Saturday, September 12, 2009

Well,the bracelet sale is officially over and what a success it was.We raised $500.00!Really amazing and a huge,huge thank you to all of you that contributed and supported us in this fundraising effort.Jess and I are quickly approaching our Team In Training fundraiser goal of $3,300 each.In June,that dollar amount seemed so unattainable but as of today, we both feel as if it is well within reach thanks to the incredible outpouring of love and generosity from those we know personally and most humbly,the generosity and support of complete strangers.Together we are making a difference.Never doubt that for one second.My families gratitude could never and will never,be conveyed totally and fully in mere words but please know,we have never,ever taken any of it for granted.Ever.

Now for blanket news.As you can see,we have made a serious dent in blanket production.Well,not exactly production but rather making.The total in our house is 12 completed with enough fabric to make 10 more.The total number at my friend Michelle's house, is 3 made and enough fabric for 5 more there.I have a few coming from out of state from some amazing blogging friends, as well as a few coming from some California blogging friends too.I am blown away.Daily I am receiving emails and calls from people wanting to chip in by either making them or donating material.Speaking of which:If anyone is interested,Jo Ann Fabrics is having a sale,beginning today and running through the 5th of October,ALL fleece is 50% off.Incredible deal.This past Friday,I met with my friend who handed me several bags filled with enough material for 5 blankets.Thank you friend,you know who you are and we love you.Again,this project would never have gotten off the ground if not for the willingness and selflessness of all those,whose lives have been touched in some way, by Zoey and her journey on the 4th floor.I am beyond excited.At the rate that we are going,I will certainly be able to make my projected goal of a delivery by the end of the month.How great is that?

Everyone here is doing well.Busy with their very full lives.All of us trying to get done all that we need to get done and still find time to enjoy each other.And we are.Mark and I love having a full house.We are missing Taylor though but we talk to her at least a couple of times a day and she seems to be adjusting to life away at college beautifully.Caitlin and Danny and Charlie are coming up the weekend after next and we are really looking forward to that.We can't wait to see them and I cannot wait to get my hands on little Charlie!.There is always tons of activity around here and never,ever a dull moment.Just the way we like it ... as long as it's not excitement on the medical front.That we could do without.And as for Miss Zoey ... she is just so much fun lately.She seems to be doing new things everyday.Her newest thing is that she nods her head yes or rather nods her head AND her whole body and it is just the cutest.If you say,"Zoey do you want to go outside?"She looks at the door.Looks back at you and nods her head and bounces her entire body,letting you know yes.I suppose that is all for tonight.Nothing too exciting to report.The week ahead is full but aren't they all.


Anonymous said...

Awesome on all fronts! Leaving today for Martha's Vineyard for a few days with some friends. Will catch up after 19th.

Love & hugs to everyone


Danyele Easterhaus said...

i love that little zoey's face in the right corner...i just had to start with that...

as for the blankets...awesome!!! great work and so many will be sooo blessed!! you go girl!

Scrappy quilter said...

What a beautiful pile of blankets. Incredible how friends and bloggers are helping out...that is so nice to hear.

Glad your little miss Zoey is doing well. Hugs..

Googsmom said...

That is a wonderfull pile of comffy blankies. Yeaaaa!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great feeling to see that photo of all those blankies! I am attacking mine this week! :) Now that the stress of Miss P's birthday is behind us, I can re-focus! ;) At least for now! We sure missed you guys this weekend...would have been totally complete with our dear Cali friends by our day, one day my friend! Love you and miss you and can't wait to get those blankets to the 4th floor...what agreat gift to so many! xoxo

Lacey said...

For some reason your blog isn't updating on mine, so I'm a little behind. Did you get my message? I returned your phone call. But I know you said your bad at checking message's. Zoey looks even bigger than when we were there. It must be the shoes.

Stephanie said...

Everything sounds great! You sound so upbeat, I love it!
And, don't tell us how cute Zoey looks nodding, I'm waiting for the video. We watched the last one at least 100 times.

Unknown said...

There are going to be some happy kids in CA after you make your delivery to the hospital. Good job!

Nicki McFadden said...

Awesome work Needham family! There are going to be some pretty happy little faces when those blankets are distributed :)

Angi said...

Glad things are still going well!( I have been offline for a bit with limited internet access) Love the updates and the pics!

ardith said...

Wow- great work on the blankets- love the new picture of Miss Zoey on the header- what a little doll!!

Cheri said...

Hi there...just had to say how much I LOVE....LOVE....LOVE the new blog cute!!!! and that picture of Zoey is just darling...she looks so big in this beautiful picture of her!!! I LOVE it!! :)

Stephanie said...

Totally GORGEOUS!!!!!! I love your new header picture and your blog design is beautiful. That picture,Goodness. I will probably pop in and out all day just to see her. Wait til I show the kids. If you're wondering why you're getting like a bazillion hits a day.. it's us!

Tish said...

Heather - I love the new look of your site, as Zoey continues to grow to be our Big Girl. I'm also impressed with how you're "stacking up the love" in your home with those beautiful blankets!!

You're amazing and I love you!

Anonymous said...

Looking good! I like the changes.

I haven't taken off my bracelet since I put it on, the minute after I got it in the mail. If you watch my videos, you can see it on my right wrist. ;-)
Do you still have more bracelets?

Good job on the blankets!

Carmen said...

I would love to make some blankies for you too!!! I'm Jaemen's mom from Colorado, what size do you make them? My daughter and I have made many of those blankets and we just love them, I would love to give some to your organization as well!!!

Kele said...

I think it is all exciting, love hearing all is going well!

Anonymous said...

Hi Heather,
I'm a 20 year old UW-Madison student who has been following your blog (as well as Gwendolyn Strong and Pablo's) for quite some time. Firstly, I wanted to let you know what an inspiration you and your family are to me- especially little Zoey!
Secondly, I thought you should know that your blanket project has inspired me to start a tie-blanket project of my own (I'm calling it Knots for Teens and Tots). My goal, with the help of friends and family, is to make about 60 blankets for the children staying at the Salvation Army in Madison to be distributed around Christmas time. After reading about your project, I was really moved.
I just thought I would let you know how your acts of kindness and stength are affecting those even halfway across the country!
God Bless!
-Brittany Krumbeck