Not a whole lot to report but felt like it was time to move past the ugliness of the last post.Quite frankly I don't think I will ever actually get over the sheer hatefulness of that days events.Some things just can't be forgotten.I do want to express my gratitude to each and everyone of you that weighed in on the subject.I appreciate each and every comment,email and phone call.You all confirm the true goodness that dwells in the majority of mankind out there.An apology goes out to our blogging friend Peter.I have no idea how Peter found us out here in blogland but we continue to be grateful that he did as he has been a constant source of faithful prayers for us all over the last year.Peter is an adult AML survivor.He is 358 days past his Bone Marrow Transplant.That is an amazing and miraculous milestone when we are talking about this insidious disease.Anyway,Peter wrote to inform me that he nearly had heart failure when he read the title of the last post.You see, not only do I have the association of the "R" word,as it applies to people with developmental delays but we also belong to the cancer club and the "R" word,in that group refers to the equally ugly word:relapse.We also have membership to another so called club and in that forum,the "S" word sends shivers up our spines:seizures is the taboo word in amongst our epilepsy comrades.Enough clubs I say.We love you all but we are seriously over booked,don't you think?
Cute story before I wrap this up.Today my dear friend,Michelle,Zoey's Godmother,came over for the afternoon.I headed over to school to pick up the boys,while Zoey stayed with Michelle.In the few minutes I was gone,Zoey dozed off in Michelle's lap.Michelle took her upstairs,where Zoey briefly opened her eyes but Michelle was certain she would be fast asleep in no time.When we walked in the door,I turned on the monitor to check on her and she was moving around a bit.Joe must not have understood that she has just laid down.He thought she was just waking up and unbeknownst to us,proceeded to go up and CLIMB in the crib with her!Michelle and I watched the monitor for at least 10 minutes as Joe laid with her and talked with her and signed with her and was so absolutely precious with her.How in the world could I reprimand him for joining her in the crib.Watching Joe with Zoey,reaffirms in me,what I have always.always known,since Zoey's entrance into our lives:This child brings out the absolute best in all of us.Zoey inspires us daily to be gentler,kinder and more patient.Her amazing grace is our ultimate gift and if others choose not to see and receive that beauty then so be it.I have,and always will,consider it their loss.
Previous post's topic closed and we're moving on.Those who choose to journey forward with us,we are so blessed to have you along for the ride.
... and thank you for inviting us to ride with you on this journey of life. We couldn't ask for better company.
P.S. If I were up in Zoey's room, and weighed as much as Joey does, you just might catch me cuddling with my Zoey in her crib, too!! :)
Thanks for sharing your precious girl with all of us! She and your family are so inspirational!
I LOVE that your sweet son climbed into the crib with Zoey! That picture and the thought of him doing that has certainly brightened my day! Love and Hugs!!!
That is way too sweet! I love it!
And the ugly is replaced with the innocence and beauty of the child.
Ya know we're along for the ride,
I'm still here to journey forward!!!
Oh to sweet....what a great big brother he is..! :)
I love moving forward...onward to bigger and better!
I was noticing the other morning how SWEET Joe is with Zoey...the crib thing is Adorable...have a good night!
Aww so cute. Proving what mother's of little boys know, they can be the sweetest little beasties on the planet! But, how could he resist his darling sister?
Love.Love.Love the pictures of the two of them in the crib...words cannot describe how beautiful that is...
Isn't that the sweetest. You know our kids just have a calming presence, when it can calm that cute, crazy Joe!
Ray wants me to ask if Zoey has any of the signing time videos?
Hi my name is Molly and this is the 1st time I've ever left a comment on your blog. I can't remember when or how I started following your blog but your story and absolutely beautiful family pulled me in. Just a side note but I met my husband while training for a Team In Training Marathon in 2004. It WAS besides meeting my husband one of the most AMAZING things I've ever done. The pasta gathering before hand and the celebration afterwards was SIMPLY THE BEST! (I did the Disney Marathon).
So while following your blog I had our 2nd daughter on 5 October who was diagnosed with SMA and I began "talking" to Victoria Strong AND then I realized that you guys know each other! My daughter went to be with Jesus on 27 October. I just wanted to share and thank you for supporting SMA awareness and research.
That is just so precious...Zoey really is lucky to have such a beautiful loving family
Heather, I just caught up on the last few posts and oh my! I am so sorry you had such a hurtful and hateful experience -- especially with family. Zoey is such an amazing shining light that I can easily see how she guides you -- she guides me! I cannot wait to see you guys. Can I climb in Zoey's crib with her :)
what a cute, loving way to move on from previous post
Thanks for sharing
Wow Heather, I'm so sorry you have to deal with such filth for family. What in the hell is wrong with people?!
We are blessed to be included in the ride! :) As ALWAYS, thanks for sharing with us.
Zoey continues to amaze me!
Awww, thats the best :) {{{{{{{HUGS}}}}
Love it!!
What a sweet story. Joey is such a good big brother. {hugs}
How sweet is that for brother to love on sister. I love it. Hugs
what an awesome big brother. Thanks for your example and showing me how to stand up for my daughter and all our friends.
Moving forward right along with you all.
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