Friday, May 7, 2010

News about Sweet Ella Grace and not the news we were all hoping for ....

Time to rally the troops folks,for our Sweet Ella Grace and her family are going to need us.All of us, and most especially our prayers.I have spoken to Denise several times today and it looks as though Ella has indeed transitioned to Leukemia.Not the news they were hoping for,to say the least.Today's lab results,along with yesterday's, points in that direction.Because Ella was born with Transient Myeloproliferative Disorder,just as Zoey was,she was at 30-50% increase chance of developing leukemia and of course we were all praying she would fall in that OTHER set of statistics.As I write,Ella is having a chest x-ray and her little body is being prepped for a Bone Marrow Biopsy in the morning.From there will come a game plan.

You know,this world and how very connected we are,is an amazing,amazing thing.Denise contacted me way back when.Long before she had a blog.One day she was googling TMD and found Zoey's blog.She emailed me with questions and of course pictures,of the beautiful Ella.I was more than happy to answer her questions and I was even more in awe of this strong mommy,who wasn't afraid to ask,when I knew for a fact that I represented her worst fears.My child was in the midst of fighting full blown leukemia after being born with TMD.But I didn't scare her away,at least not yet ... who knows,she may soon become completely sick of hearing from me and listening to my vast plethora of leukemia knowledge.Not to mention I am only 1 1/2 hour drive away!No matter,I will continue to look at it as not being just a case of coincidence that Denise found us but rather our God being anonymous once again.

So there it is.So not the news I wanted to deliver.So not what I want Sweet Ella to have go through.But I do know this:with faith and hope and an abundance of prayers we,this community,will carry them.Just as you did for Zoey and just as you do for all that find themselves facing the seemingly insurmountable.

Denise sounds good.Really she does.A bit shell shocked as you can imagine but I told her once again how very proud I was of her.Her strength is already so evident and apparent.And as for Ella,Denise said after being poked and prodded and crying her eyes out from aforementioned poking and prodding,within minutes she was smiling and waving and charming everyone.Did we expect anything else?That face and that feisty spirit,will carry them through all of their moments.That, I speak from experience.

*Sidenote:Miss Zoey has either a Staph infection or MRSA,on her bottom,a few extra prayers for her would be appreciated .... never a dull moment!!


Kristen's mom said...

Haven't we all had enough? Denise is lucky to have you to help her along. Maybe I could get her address from you to send her a little something. Wayne is the button man for sure. What a wonderful thing we have going here, it's the largest support system I have ever seen. Without even meeting everyone personally, everyone knows who everyone else is and when someone's glass roof comes crashing down everyone is there to pick up the pieces.

erinlitteral said...

I will be praying for these precious girls.

Kristin said...

No No NO!

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

Oh no! Thank you for the update and Ella will be in our prayers!!! We are in So Cal too so if they need anything, we are here to help. Ella has a special place in my heart since Sweet Pea has the same birthday, just a year apart.

Thank you for being there for Denise!!!!

The VW's said...

I'll be praying for sweet Ella! I'm so sorry to hear that she and her family will have to go through this! But, I'm sure, just like Zoey, she will be a fighter and win! Prayers for your sweet girl too! Love and Hugs!!!

Ivey's Mom said...

Thank you for being a friend. We are all lucky that our paths crossed yours. I know Denise is especially happy to have you right now. Someone with the unfortunate experience that she is about to most unlikely endure. Ella Grace is on our list. And when you talk to Denise, tell her she doesn't know me, but now I know her and allt he better for it...and tell her happy Mother's DAy for me +

Emma said...

not what anyone wants to hear. There have been way too many kids fighting cancer. But this little girl has no better role model than your Miss Zoey! Zoey amazes me constantly at how well she has handled it and how happy she is. I pray Ella will be able to do the same.

Lori said...

Thank you for the update on Miss Ella. We are definitely praying...for Ella and Miss Zoey

Anonymous said...

Heather - we always have you guys in our prayers and will add little Ella and her family too.

Robyn from Otisco Lake

Rochelle said...

Thanks for the update. We will be keeping both girls in our prayers!

Runningmama said...

I will be praying for sweet Ella Grace, I just love her and her feisy spirit. I will also be praying for Zoey. God is amazing how he has linked the two of you together, this is probably where some of Denise's strength comes're a good friend.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh my gosh, I am so saddened for little Ella, and Denise. I hope that their course is a smooth one, as smooth as it can be. You are an awesome support for her and a voice of experience. That is so helpful!

I hope that Zoe's infection clears up quickly, that is no fun.

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Ugh... I've been praying hard this day would NEVER come :(. Denise we are praying for you and for Ella Grace. We love you a lot!!!

Anonymous said...

Will pray for Ella and for her full recovery. Will also pray for poor Zoey, and will hope that it's just staph plain and simple. No yucky MRSA.

Anonymous said...

Hoping Zoey's rash goes away and NEVER returns.


Marianne said...

Oh no!! I will be praying for their family!

The Sanchez Family said...

I'm just so sad about this and thank God for friends and support like you Heather. My prayers go out to sweet Ella and to Zoey too. xoxo

Kristen's mom said...

Kristen received your card today and the cute necklace. She loves it! Thank You!

Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

I just saw the news on Jaxon's blog! I am just devastated for Ella's family! I have not been on your blog before, but thank you for giving all of us an update!!!! I am so sorry to hear what you have been through with Zoey but so happy that you can be there for Denise and Ella's family! Please give them our love and let them know we are thinking of them right now and saying prayers!!!

my family said...

Thank you for the updates, this breaks my heart but nice to know she is in good spirits. I can't imagine this road but God does give us the strength to get through what we need to get done. I love Denise's blog and that sweet little smiling girly, she is just the happiest isnt she? We will keep Zoey in our prayers also. Thanks again for the update

Rachel said...

Thank you so much for the update. We had been praying for better news. Please let us know when a button is available so that we can post prayers for her.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

No no no no no! My heart is breaking. This is soooo not the news I was expecting to see today. Thank you for the update and thank you for being there for them. Sweet Ella Grace and her family are in my thoughts.

Kisses For Noah said...

Ella Grace is added to my prayer list!
Thanks for sharing, my friend. There is power in prayer and what better prayer warriors than a bunch of us tough mamas!
Sending Zoey lots of healing prayers too.
Heather, take care of yourself (a gentle nudge from your friend down the coast ;) ) (((hugs)))

Kristen's mom said...

Happy Mother's Day to the best of the best!

Anonymous said...

It is amazing how we are all connected, how we are all placed in each others lives to help us with this crazy, unknown and difficult journey. Thank you for updating for Denise. Heather, as you've been through all of this, please let me know what I can do or send them that might help them through all of this. I will call you later today. Miss talking to you. Love you friend! Kisses to Zoey too!