Saturday, August 14, 2010

This much I know ...

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson"

My life is blessed.My life is full and overflowing with goodness and grace.I am surrounded,cared for and carried by a husband,children and friends who love me unconditionally,and I them.The events in our lives over of the last 3 plus years have not been a punishment for past transgressions,mistakes or sinfulness,as has been suggested to me as of late.I do not subscribe to that way of thinking or belief.Never have.Never will.God chose us,not because of some innate traits or characteristic we possessed that suggested we could walk this road with ease and grace,but rather chose us for reasons based on what we were lacking in our lives.In turn we have honored that gift bestowed upon us and have grown in spirit and faith.Are we perfect?Far from it.But we are indeed better.Better spouses,parents,children,siblings,friends and ultimately,human beings.

My life is blessed.This much I know.

(A very special thank you to our very special friend Brook and her mommy who wrote Zoey's name in the sand on the Oregon coast.We love you guys!)


Rochelle said...

Amen sister!

mandd3 said...

You are so right! People always tell me God chose me to be Tomas' mother because of this or this or that. Strength, perseverance, etc.. Complete hooey. I know God chose me because I was in trouble. I needed Tomas, not the other way around. That's the secret really. Not what we offer to the least among us, but what they offer us. I could so go on about this! I may have to do a post of my own later on.
Also , I can't find the quote exactly but it was something like this, "I know God will never give me more than I can handle...apparently he thinks I'm a bad ass!"

almcl said...

VERY, very blessed indeed. Love you all SOOOOO much! Can't wait to return and see you guys!

Anonymous said...

And my response from way far away in Syracuse, NY--- I am blessed to be aunt, great aunt & great great aunt to this awesome family. Lucky, lucky --- that's me!

Loves & hugs everyone...


Anne and Whitney: Up, Down and All Around said...

beautifully stated :)

To Love Endlessly said...

Absolutely blessed indeed!

Denise said...

I was just going through and finally catching up on all my blogs and trying to leave comments on those I haven't in a while. Then I realized that I hadn't left you a comment recently either. I think that because we talk so much, I don't have anything new to write about something we have already discussed (or I am just wiped out and lazy). But I just wanted you to know that I read everything you write and am always so amazed at your spirit with all that you deal with daily. You are an amazing mother and wife and I am so glad we are friends!!!

Kisses For Noah said...

This is my new favorite post of yours! Love the Emerson quote and I may have to snag it for my blog if you don't mind ;)

Unbelievable that anyone with an ounce of brains could suggest that your circumstances were brought on by past transgressions. Sick!

God never promised an easy life to anyone. We all have our trials and suffering. It's choosing to praise Him in the midst of that suffering that makes us stronger.

Ignore the ignorant remarks of others. You are AWESOME!
Lots of love, support and hugs to you!

Googsmom said...

{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} You are loved!

The VW's said...

You are very blessed indeed! Love and Hugs to you, Zoey and the rest of your wonderful family!

a teacher and a mama said...

I will never understand those that see special needs children as punishment for some past transgressions. As if they are not God's complete and whole creation. As if He doesn't love them with the same passion that He loves all of us. How any child could ever be anything but a blessing is beyond me. Zoey's life has touched so many. So many have seen God's love and faithfulness through Zoey. God created her life with a very specific and special purpose. And it is a far cry from punishment!

Kristen's mom said...

God gives us what we need before we even know we need it. Oh how much we needed our girl. I needed Kristen in my life to teach me the things I could have never learned without her.

Kele said...

I love this post, especially following the last one where I commented on how much your parents are missing out on.
As I scroll through the pictures of your amazing family, it makes me wish I could share some of the BEST advice I have ever gotten with your parents...

"Sometimes the only good reason to forgive someone, is simply because you want them in your life"

Nicolette said...

Check out this beautiful site. It's a documentary about a sweet little boy with Down Syndrome and the relationship with his big sister. There is a Utube trailer you can view towards the bottom of the site. I cried happy tears watching this endearing little boy. I think you will enjoy it too. I think I want to order the documentary now.

Monica said...

I love your blog! You have such a beautiful family...and Miss Zoey always makes my heart smile.
You are indeed very blessed!

Anonymous said...

You are very wise!

In the Holy Bible, in the book of John, Chapter 9, Verse 3, Jesus said that a man born blind was not due to his or his parents sin, but so that the works of God might be displayed in him.

I'm very thankful for the works of God and Zoey is most definitely a work of God. ;-)

Melani said...

This is a beautiful post and I love all the pictures, :)

P said...

Amen girl, no way and lifes a miracle anyway ya know. If this life with DS is a test then test away. I'm on a much much easier tract than you are with a healthy son but I have been thankful for that since the day we had the ultrasound with soft markers to add to our low percentage chance of DS.

I cannot relate to the medical crisis you are living but your summary says it succinctly and perfectly, lifes not about the medical treatments. I see families grow and love and have heart-wrenching times. And they go on, onward and upward.

And now Dr Seuss comes to mind, I know you'll go far and face your problems whatever they are.

Love to you all and let me know if you come to the South Bay!