Sunday, October 17, 2010

A Few of Zoey's sign's ..

There was a time,not so very long ago in fact,that many of us,including doctor's,therapist's and yes,even myself,wondered if Zoey would ever be able to communicate with us,in anyway.

This video is pieced together,4 plus minutes long or so,but hang with it because my favorite sign is "pray".... so precious,you just have to see it.

So although a vast majority of Zoey's sign's are approximation,due to her stroke and her limited use of her left hand, I sure would say that she proved us naysayer's wrong,didn't she?


Tina said...

What a wonderful video, loved every minute of it, so so precious. Thanks for sharing it with us. I am amazed at how much Zoey knows, I truely believe we cannot put any limitations on our kids, they know how to exceed our expectations. I don't want to think that Saira won't be able to do things, until she proves me wrong I am going to always believe in her.

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Oh sweet Zoey! You are amazing. I watched this entire video twice. :) I love seeing how smart you are! Your big sister is a great help to you. I wish you could teach Emily some of those signs!

The VW's said...

Great job Zoey!!! Keep proving everyone are very good at it sweet girl! Love and Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

Zoey is adorable, beautiful, smart, amazing ... wow!
You all are doing a fantastic job with her. Keep up the great work.

Becca said...

She is so stinkin' PRECIOUS!!! What amazing signing she's doing! I loved this video for so many reasons, not the least of which is to see how feisty and determined she is, and to see how beautifully she's learning to communicate.

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

Way to go Zoey!!!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh, I just love her so. If we ever get together, maybe she could clue Christopher in. When we ask him to show us a sign, he always signs "Yes" as in "Yes, I can to that sign, but I won't" LOL!

Hope you are all are doign well! Hugs from Christopher & myself. Keep up the great work Miss Zoey! :)

Jeana said...

That was awesome! I have a feeling she will spend her whole life teaching us all a thing or two!

Rochelle said...

Rockstar Zoey! Love the pray!

Kristin said...

Yes - prayer was adorable! I so need to work more with signing with Max...

Shelly Turpin said...

I just say that these kids can do anything they want - we see what they can't do. They see what they want to do. I meet a 7 year old today at TCH on a vent who had a complete conversation with me. Thrilled me to pieces!
Love your Zoey!

Googsmom said...

Zoey, your a rockstar and I love you!

Dana Janowicz said...

She is a SERIOUS love bug. Great work Miss Zoey!!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Miss Z! You have learned so many new signs since Gramma Barb & I saw you in April!

Heather - Remember her response to my nail polish? For all you bloggers, she would touch my fingernails and sign "hurt". Not use to colored nails. And my response was always (in sign lang) "happy"

And that is what you make us all Miss Z - HAPPY!!!


Aunt Bluebelle

Anonymous said...

I loved watching that!



The Baby has left sided paralysis and signs with one hand. Considering the significance of her brain damage it is amazing that she can do anything. We must never limit these kids based on diagnosis or "damage." They will find a way. Always.

mandd3 said...

It is so hard to comment after a long list of great responses. She is beautiful Heather, and oh so smart and it was so great to see it captured on film.