Tuesday, July 26, 2011

The love shines through, like the summer sunshine, and warms my soul ...

 He loves her so and she him.


And this child, is so patient and loving and cracks her up, with his silly antics.


Little buddies. Lifelong friends. Can't you just see it now?





The joy that surrounds me daily.


Elizabeth said...

And your lovely, loving face is shining out of theirs!

Unknown said...

Love this. Like your boys, Brock loved his little sister so. He misses her so much. Some days I look out and see him outside alone and know that he's wondering why she had to go.

Anonymous said...

So beautiful & touching - every single photo.

Aunt Bluebelle

Stephanie said...

Perfection in every picture!

Cammie Heflin said...

LOVE these pix!

Unknown said...

I can see you have lots of reasons to smile and count your blessings. Life can be hard but it can also be so, so good!
P.S. Congrats on the success of Mission:iPossible.

Jeana said...

Beautiful, beautiful kids. I can't wait for Kaelyn and her little sister to meet...or re-unite. I'm just certain they will be the best of friends.

Justine said...

Beautiful! Truly beautiful!

Anonymous said...

You'd have to be blind to not see the light of love shining through. It's a reflection of the loving care planted by loving parents and nurtured in them daily. All children should be blessed with parents like you who "give without taking away". I am humbled and blessed by your witness to the love that is ours if we open our hearts and welcome it in.kc

The Annessa Family said...

Oh these pictures blessed me so much today! I have been missing my Kayla so much lately and every time I see her with her tongue out smiling, oh my gosh, my heart skips a beat and my eyes tear up!


Bethany said...

Beautiful faces of a loving family! Zoey is well loved and has such a special relationship with her brother and her niece. It is truly beautiful to see!!

Victoria Strong said...

These photos are so, so, so gorgeous and you are right -- LOVE does shine through them! Sending love to you and your sweeties.

Kristin said...

You're a lucky lady :)

Dawson said...

Love it!!!


Such a sweet post. What a wonderful way to start my day!

Anonymous said...

Children are a gift from God. (Psalm 127:3)

Children are a blessing. (Psalm 127:5)

Thank you for sharing your gifts & blessings with us.


Lacey said...

Oh man I can't wait to be closer to these little loves! Your boys are so cute, my boys love to play with them. Charlotte with those beautiful curls. And Zoey, well we know there are no words for her sweetness!

just jean said...

It's so true....pictures speak a thousand words. And touch the heart.

Melissa said...

I just love Zoey and Charlotte together. You can tell they are always going to be quite a pair!

Patti said...

LOVE these photos:) You are one blessed mama!

Scrappy quilter said...

Incredibly beautiful pictures. That Zoey just lights up the world. Hugs

Darce said...

Love these. Love. Love. Love.

Twilson9608 said...

You can see the bond between your oldest and your daughter. Its beautiful!