Monday, May 24, 2010

A Princess and her Potty ... and a Presley Update.

A few years back,while in the midst of seizures,I commented to a friend,how nice it would be to have something just ordinary and typical to blog about in the future,like say, Zoey peeing and dare I venture to stick my neck out there,even pooping, on the potty.At the time I would have given anything for that.I remember the day like it was yesterday.Now,perhaps my girl,if she could tell me,might say that the modest side of her,would like me to leave such matters in private but you know,this topic represents so much more than the obvious.This represents a bridge between the heavy side of day to day,week to week and year to year medical crisis,to regular toddler stuff and boy is that worthy of talking about.It's been a long time coming.

Don't you love her princess potty?It even plays a jaunty royal tune when the deed has been done.Zoey does a little wiggle dance each time she hears it.So darn cute.We have been dabbling in potty training for about 6 weeks now.She is doing an amazing job and although I know we are years off from formally being potty trained,I think we are off to a great start.I am at a point where I really have the confidence that she is going to master this thing,because to be perfectly honest, at one point,I had my doubts.I am really trying to get her to where she is time trained and then hope one day she is able to convey to me her need to go.She does know the sign for potty though but has yet to use it purposefully to let me know.The bit of a stumbling block that we have, is Zoey's lack of mobility.Meaning,due to her stroke and not crawling, standing and no where near walking yet,she relies fully and completely on me to get her there.And when she is on the big potty with the seat attached,she has no way of balancing herself as not to fall.The little potty is easier for her to balance and she has begun to lean forward to me and try to pull herself up grabbing my arm with her good little hand.One might ask then,why even use the big one ... well,without going into some unnecessary graphic details ... we SO need the big potty!

So that's our adventures in pottyland at the moment.All in all,not bad.We even have our travel seat we put in the back of the car and she also has her own princess potty at school that she uses.Coming along my little love.Doing some ordinary things in a less than ordinary little life.

Another area of progress, is her signing .... Oh.My.Gosh.The girl is picking up so many signs that we just can't keep up with her.In the last few days she has added:stop,go,wait,special,and drink.Drink is my favorite because when she puts her little hand to her mouth like a cup,she moves her mouth like she is drinking and for those who know her story or maybe don't know her story,she doesn't eat or drink A THING by mouth, so how she came up with the mouth movement is beyond me!(If you want to watch the video,pause the blog music at the bottom.)

One of the top pictures is of her signing "sit",which she does sign when she wants to actually sit somewhere but it is also her way of telling us that she wants to be taken from one place to another place.So she will sign "sit" and we sign and say "where" and then she usually points us to the direction or person she wants to go to ... just imagine when this child finds her feet ... she will be on the go and heading everywhere!I just know it.

Please continue to pray for our butterfly Presley.Kele is not up to writing an update yet.Things are about the same,no significant change and Kele has some measure of disappointment in that.The hope is to slowly move Presley from the high frequency vent to a standard one in the next few days but they are taking it extremely slow.Presley has struggled with her blood pressure again,as well as her saturation levels so they continue to delicately balance the medication and the machines.Kele is asking that we keep our prayers focused on her sweet butterfly remaining infection free as not to deviate from the plan laid out for the upcoming days.The Giles family is beyond grateful for the outpouring of love and support and asks you to keep it coming in great abundance.


Kristin said...

Love the princess potty! Great video... when we turn off the tv to video, both kids give me that look, too, like hey - what's up with tv - there's no picture or sound - fix it!

Anonymous said...

Zoey is such a cutie!
Continuing to pray for Presley

To Love Endlessly said...

AWESOME video!! WAY before Marissa was ready I thought it'd be a great idea to introduce her to the potty. I figured because it took her SOO long to poop because of that low tone that I would have plenty of time to get her to the potty in time. So I hear her struggling to poop, I race her upstairs, un-do the diaper only to discover she'd already half-pooped! So there I was with a stinky butt baby still wanting to poop mind you. I still attempted sitting her on the potty and she was scared so she kept reaching out to me. IT WAS AWFUL, for both of us!!! So, KUDOS to you for waiting until you were both ready, haha! we definitely delayed potty training a good while because both mom and baby were completely mortified! I sure do love that princess potty, that might just be added to our shopping list when I decide we're ready.

Anonymous said...

love her "lawn chair". That must be new. And with her leg crossed - soo cute!
One of these days soon she will be drinking from a cup - I feel it coming!

Thanks for video, but... mommy and daddy - Barney rules!


Aunt Bluebelle

Stephanie said...

Love the chair, and the signing!
Smartie Pants!!! But I would expect no less from Miss Z!

Thanks for the update on Presley. Although you posting for Kele, makes me worry more. But I'm grateful for the updates don't get me wrong. Just wish Miss P would get better and Kele and Mike could breath a little.

Hugs to the Princess!

Tina said...

I love that picture on top sitting on the lawn chair, she looks so radiant, such a gorgeous little princess, and whats with the princess potty I hadn't even read further and was thinking hey this potty is fit for a princess. I am so impressed with her signing, she is such a bright little girl it's like it's bursting to all come out.

Prayers continue for little Presley, I was so hoping for some good news today when I checked. I guess patience...I am sending positive healing energy for the little butterfly and praying for strength for Kele and Mike to get through this very scary time. Presley will get better and she will be fine, I continue to see her that way.

Sophia said...

Praying for Presley. I love Zoey's princess potty!

Anna said...

Every little pricess deserves her own little throne! And music too! I need one of those! Love the signs..... did you know that signing time JUST released the first ones in SPANISH just in time to fly to Ecuador! Mine should be here soon to take with us!

Jamie said...

SO pretty she is! I have been so smitten with the big girl in her own chair..Ohhh just cant be Zoey!;) She is just darling.
Gooood Luck with pottytime!

Melani said...

Love the pink potty! We have it in blue. I love your blog and I have an award for you over at my blog, if you can't accept it, I understand how busy you are, but I wanted to give you a shout out anyways! Your an awesome person Heather!

Rochelle said...

Love the princess potty that is adorable!
Praying for Presley! Thanks for keeping us updated about her.

Googsmom said...

Yea Potty dance here!!! Brook has the same seat :) (well her's is blue b/c we got it from the ex-hub and he has a son ;) LOL) I had to turn the music off though LOL

{{{{{{HUGS ZOEY}}}}}

I was going to ask... do you have all the signing times? What ones of series 2 do you need? Please let me know :)

Jamie said...

YES I did steal your quote! It just so means so much! Like the whole DONT JUDGE OR UNDERESTIMATE my baby girl she will do amazing things kinda quote! lol Hey I gave ya credit too...:)! :)!

Victoria Strong said...

Zoey looks so Big and so beautiful in that first picture! Love it!

Elizabeth said...

Your Zoe sounds like an amazing, amazing little girl! And I'm very impressed that you've had the foresight and stamina to even attempt potty-training when so much is going on. It sounds like you've made the right decision!

Mary said...

Yay Zoey! Keep up the good work!

Kele said...

Haven't been reading too many blogs with all the happenings over in our corner of the world, but I did see this title pop up on my reader when I posted yesterday, and knew I had to find time to come read it.
I LOVED seeing her sign, LOVE even more hearing about her potty success, both are such inspirations to me for Presley. However, have to admit, what struck me most watching the video is her beauty... jeez she is just so pretty, truly, truly PRETTY! I think you should give up on the hair clips, her hair is soooo flippin amazing!!
P.S. I know the big potty is a must, but seriously, the princess potty throne was just MADE for that girl!!

Gerry Adams said...

I hope you all have a nice Memorial Day weekend!


Anonymous said...

Wow Miss Zoey - just look at you sign! I cannot believe your progress (although I knew you'd continue to soar, so it should be no surprise). Pretty soon you'll have to teach me some new signs. I love you and miss you!

Speech Teacher Katie

Laura said...

She communicates very effectively, despite havng few words. Beautiful little girl.

Cheri said...

I just love her! :)