Thursday, May 20, 2010

I will NEVER be silent. EVER. Will you??

I cried when I watched this. I sat next to my beautiful, amazing, perfect child and I cried. I cried because of the injustices and ignorance of people in this world but I also cried in seeing the absolute beauty of mankind as well. My favorite words from one who did choose to stand up: "And when it's time to meet your maker, I hope He remembers how you were." We should all remember those words.
(Remember to pause the blog music at the bottom.)


Rochelle said...

I am thankful for those that did stand up. More education, more education... our jobs continue!

Angi said...

Heather - I cannot bring myself to watch it. Sorry:( I told my husband I was waiting for it to upload and he looked at me and said "please don't watch it, it will get you all upset" Yup that's me a fighter always, not to worry about me stepping up and and shouting out when to you all:~)

To Love Endlessly said...

I pray, pray, pray that I will not be silent! What an excellent TV program to raise awareness and remind people of how we should be treating one another.

Junior said...

Oh wow, I saw this discussed on other blogs but hadn't seen it. The school teachers response was great. It was hard to see how many people chose to say nothing though.

Unknown said...

thank you so much for sharing this Heather...made me cry. Some people are so unreal...sad.

Love and hugs

The VW's said...

I bawled my eyes out! Seeing those who stuck up for him made my heart soar!

Anonymous said...

Kick Ass Karen! I'm proud of people who stand up against injustice.
Those people are my people!

I wish you would quite making me cry. JK Keep up the great blogging.

Peter J. Olson

Ivey's Mom said...

So I'm stealing this, you know that right? Hey I need your email -

Unknown said...

I cried through the whole thing...esecially when the man who has a down syndrome sister came up and said something.
My aunt have down syndrome and this video really touched me.
Ive also spoken up, many times before. Not only for mentally/physically handicapped but for those who have disease like my daughter. I defend her constantly out in public. People like this have no intelligence.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that lady's words! She is awesome!!


Jeana said...

I cried too. Then I watched it again and cried again.

Gabriela said...


Elizabeth said...

Great video, although the music overplay was so distracting! It was really such a perfect slice of New Yorkers -- the cowardice and thuggery and stupidity right up against the ballsy and righteous. I loved it. Thanks for posting and sharing. (And, of course, I'd ALWAYS stand up -- I have a very loud, fearless mouth!).

tekeal said...

me too... i'm crying. thanks.

blogzilly said...

Had started writing a response, it got so lengthy I had to stop. Maybe I will revisit these feelings later, but it's too much for me to process today.

Thanks for sharing the video. As always, you provoke and inspire, and that's always a good thing. :)

Penny said...

How powerful, how hard to watch the stupidity of the "normal" people. When in this world will we stand up and do the right thing, I hate the labels and stereotypes.... A person's a person, flesh and blood with feelings.

Anonymous said...

i watched this when it aired, and all i could think about was you, and the entry you had recently posted about the "r" word. I have an online journal and dedicated an entry to awareness about the issue as well.
it's the least i can do.

the silence of some of those people is just too terrible to handle.

tish said...

Silent? No way. Not for my Zoey, not for anyone receiving that kind of abuse.

Thank you for sharing this video; it was upsetting to watch... but necessary...and unfortunately all too real.

Not being silent is just another way to improve our world.

Love to my big girl always,
Auntie Tish