Wednesday, May 16, 2012

The power of our words ...

My beautiful friend Elizabeth, who blogs over at ' a moon, as if it had been a shell', is putting together a video and she would love your help. If you are a parent, not just a mom mind you, even you dads, especially you dads out there, if you are a parent of a child with special healthcare needs, she is looking for your words of wisdom. Please link over and read about her project and consider submitting your photo. I did mine, and you know how much I LOVE photo taking but the cause was the draw and well worth me getting over myself for a few clicks of the camera. Besides, I know for certain that the finished product is going to be amazing and perhaps one day, when a parent is searching for guidance as they navigate these uncharted, tumultuous and often terrifying waters, maybe, just maybe, our words might  help them keep their head above water. 

Just a few pictures of my sweet girl and when I say sweet, can I tell you, I could not even estimate how many times a day Zoey comes up to us and gives us kisses. Just out of the blue. Unsolicited. If she is sitting with us she leans over and kisses our shoulders and hands and cheeks and kissing feet, has been known to happen from time to time as well. We are working on that tongue action but for now, we will take what we can get. The love this child exudes, that pure, unconditional love, has certainly been our lifeline on this unexpected journey of ours.


colleen said...

Such beautiful shots of a little girl who gives back, can't wait to see you in the video - you'll be beautiful. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...


I am at a loss for words. Ha! Ha!
Have a great day!

Carolyn said...

What a sweetheart! Daniel used to freely give kisses with his mouth wide open. He's 13 now, and stingy with them, but still surprises me once in awhile.

I sent a pic to Elizabeth, too. I was rushed and looking a little ragged, but I wanted to get it done. I think the video is going to be a great thing!

Rochelle said...

Sweetness, love that Zoey girl!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for promoting this project! And those photos of your girl are precious. She IS precious. And so is your family. And so are you.

Anna said...

I love this. And the photos. This morning, well now it's yesterday morning.... Lil g was full of kisses and it was so so sweet. I was even sitting on the floor reorganizing her closet and she kept poking her head around the door to sneak a kiss or two or three. I pray it lasts forever and always.mmot just while they are young

Anonymous said...

Oh do I ever wish I was living closer - That little sweetheart could kiss me anytime, anywhere.
Oh well. I think I can feel them when I look at her photos. Will take that for now! :]

Sounds like a great project...

Hugs & kisses for everyone!


Anonymous said...

My sweet boy is 21 and still gives kisses when he gets home from school. I so know the joy that these God-created special beings give every day. The blessings outweigh any sacrifices that have to be made. There is nothing better!!

May said...

beautiful pictures! would love to receive those kisses :)

Joyce said...

Oh the kisses:) Pure happiness!!!

likeschocolate said...

Zoey is totally adorable! Have a great week!