Monday, October 15, 2012

“Run when you can, walk if you have to, crawl if you must; just never give up.” ~ Dean Karnazes

So today, I feel great. Not sore at all. Which would tell you perhaps one of two things. One, I must not have worked hard enough or two, it must have been an easy, breezy 13.1. Well, neither would be true. I worked really hard. Or maybe it was my lungs that worked really hard. Undertaking running as a severe asthmatic not a small feat. Some may even say it is  crazy, especially when you are talking distance and elevation. And the hills. Oh. My. Gosh. Like this one. At mile 6. Nasty thing to come upon when you are cruising right along. Why does it take me by surprise each and every year?

 And the fact I only trained 3 weeks and the fact I had a nasty attack through that canyon last weekend, that I had barely recovered from, made this run even more complicated. But you know me, I like a challenge. Tell me I can't do something or can't have something and I will work twice as hard to accomplish it and obtain it. And I worked my tail off for this run. And in the end, I did the best I could. Finished 500 or so out of approximately 1600 in my age group. Finished 8,000 or so out of the 20,000 plus half marathon runners and bettered my time my 2 measly minutes from last year. But I worked for those 2 minutes, let me tell you. I really did. My oh so lovely dry heaving at the end, of course not in front of the hunky SF firefighters handing out our Tiffany necklaces, told me so. But man, was I spent by that last mile. It passed quickly and it was, in the end all worth it. Every step.

But more then all that, the training and wheezing and struggling, that race I ran in, raised an additional 10 million dollars for The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Raising the total amount donated to LLS by the Nike Women's Marathon since it's inception 9 years ago, to 118 million dollars. How incredible is that?

 I ran for my sweet girl and all her cancer fighting, warrior buddies. Those that have been blessed by a cure, those still awaiting theirs, and those who should be here and who's cure remained cruelly elusive. I will return next year. Definitely will be returning. Just have to keep being a part of that inspiring environment. Got to do my small part.

"We cannot do great things on this Earth, only small things with great love."~ Mother Teresa

And, in addition to all that, I get to go with my girl Jess. We splurge and stay in a hotel that you literally walk out the front doors, turn right and voila, start line, right there. We don't run together of course. She smokes me with those long,lean and much younger legs. But she is always there waiting for me at the finish line. We compare notes and check out our  'finishing medals'. We shower and go eat a yummy recovery lunch and the last 2 years we tack on 3 or so extra miles and walk and have a celebratory pedicure.

 * Jess opted for the Bloody Mary and lightweight me went for a nice, tall, cold glass of chocolate milk.

It is an amazing weekend. Whirlwind, but amazing. And like childbirth, which of course I know nothing about, seeing that I had 6 c-sections, like childbirth, once the hard part is over, you forget about it and say, hey, I can't wait to do that again. Next year I think I will train a bit more. And perhaps lower my expectation of myself. And realize, that as I am just a bit away from 50,  have asthma and Lupus and a few other not so fun health issues, I'd say, I am not doing too bad at all.

But if again, you know me at all, chances are I won't be coming to that realization anytime soon. Inside you know, I still think I am 30. Okay, well, 35.

And the quote, at the top. Applicable to life in general, is it not? Zoey sure has illustrated the truth in that. We just end up following suit. Fearless leader that she is.


Alaina and Kyle said...

Congrats! That's a huge accomplishment! You rock and are such an inspiration.

Anna said...

So.dang.proud.of you! From one severe asthmatic to another! You ROCK!

Elizabeth said...

Wow! I find you remarkable -- in every single way!

Anonymous said...

Amazing! And that looks like such a fun race....minus that hill of course! Maybe some year I'll try to come out to CA for a visit with my sis and talk her into doing it with me

The VW's said...

Great job Heather!

Anonymous said...

I know the perfect Halloween costumes for you and Zoey:

Wonder Woman and Supergirl


Have a great day!

Love & Hugs

Mark said...

I don't know how you do this every year.
I'm not in the habit of leaving comments on my wife's blog, but have no idea of how hard she works. At EVERYTHING she does in life. I am blessed to have her. PROUD is the ultimate understatement. Heather, you are amazing and I love you....and Jess too!

krlr said...

I love that quote. And I love that you run so hard you end up dry heaving. I clearly need to ratchet up my efforts. How far were you going before you started training?

I have to say, however, that having done it both ways, the C-section was soooo so so much worse. The hard part the old fashioned way was intense, but then it was *over*. The C-section took weeks & weeks to heal (at least mine did) and every movement was reminder they sawed your stomach muscles in half. Did not enjoy that at all!

Jessica said...

I love doing this race with you, Mom! And I especially love how excited we get about the hotel and our celebratory lunch and pedicure :) Already can't wait for next year.

Anonymous said...

LOL love Peter O's comment for costumes - perfect !

and was so pleased to see your hubby and daughter's comments.

You are indeed awesome Heather and I must say you have an equally awesome husband and awesome kids.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Heather and Jess,

Even without any health complications I can't even imagine trying to run a half marathon or even a quarter one. That "hill" was exhausting just to look at. Good luck in the future and what a husband to openly blog how great you are and how proud he is of you. That says alot.

Bluebelle's friend (we use to walk a half hour around Wegman's store and then had to sit and have coffee).

Jeana said...

You. Are. Awesome! :)

Jess said...

Hi! I'm visiting from Daily Smiles!

I love the quote at the very top of your post. And wow, you're amazing! You sound like a very determined person who doesn't easily let the world get you down. :)

Unknown said...

yeah, just never give up :)