Monday, March 31, 2008

Miracle among us

I was speaking to a good friend of mine today. She too has struggled with life throwing her a curve ball . Her little guy Matthew was born with a single ventricle , required surgery at 3 days old and will need two additional surgeries before he is probably two. Daily, she  continues to come to terms with a certain sense of uncertainty in the future. She recalled, as people asked her what they could do for her, she would reply "Pray for a miracle". One day as she sat gazing at Matthew it dawned on her, why was she asking them to pray for a miracle ? For right before her eyes was her miracle, Matthew. Often as I am pouring over the internet lately, Mark will ask me what I am looking for. My reply is always the same. "Looking for our miracle." We have always referred to Zoey as our little miracle. I decided today that I must stop searching for another miracle and see what is already before me. Some people may never experience a miracle their whole life . We have been blessed that Zoey bestows on us all , miracles each and every day. Our prayers need to be ones of healing  and guidance . Doctors who seek to do what is in Zoey's best interest. Direction for this journey. Strength and understanding. Wisdom that we are not in control. Thankfulness for each new day. Peace. Peace in our hearts and in our home. For our other children we pray for understanding of why Zoey's young life has been filled with such adversity, knowledge that that adversity will ,in the end, mold them into the adults they will become. These are some of the things people can pray for. For that miracle I have been searching for, has been right before my eyes all along.

1 comment:

Monica said...

I am fairly new to your blog, but I just want you to know that I will be faithfully praying for your little Zoey and all your family..........May God bless you and give you strength~