Tomorrow marks two weeks since we've been home.Funny,the first week is such a time of adjustment after being inpatient for so long.By week two we have finally gotten back into a groove and by the end of that week we are saying .... no ...don't send us back!But back we must go.Three rounds down,two more to go.We check in at 6:30 am and at that time Zoey's port will be accessed and labs will be drawn.If her ANC comes back 750 or above she will have a lumbar puncture at 9am ,with a dose of chemo and then she will be admitted.I decided rather than pack for the entire month I will pack her bedding and 2 days worth of things and once we know for certain she will be inpatient,I will follow with the rest.I have been caught before and packed EVERYTHING,only to head home within hours.Hard to say which way things will go tomorrow.I think if I were to make a guess,I don't think her ANC is high enough.Who knows.It becomes a crap shoot,honestly.Jessica and Matt are here this weekend so it's been almost a full house.Tonight we will watch the Academy Awards Show.Ever since the girls were young we have made a little party of it.Snacks and yummy food.Ironic thing about it is .... it's been over two years since I've even been to the movies.People Magazine has kept me in the loop though.So tonight we will enjoy our time together.I will start getting things in order for the boys.Get the house in order.Make sure laundry is done and groceries are bought.As each new round begins I have a little more sense of peace about me.We have come to have routine as we venture into each new month.Doesn't mean I like it any better.I just have accepted that we do what needs to be done,for Zoey.Tomorrow will come.I will awake with that familiar pit in my stomach.I will walk around my bedroom taking deep sighs.I will put on my "Leukemia Sucks"t-shirt.I have worn it on day one of all the last rounds.Speaks volumes.Day two will find me wearing a peace,or hope shirt.Shows my progress as we have ventured deeper into this unknown world of cancer.And from there ... I pray.Pray that Zoey will be looked after and guided as the onslaught of her nasty cocktail begins for 96 hours straight.Pray that God gives her body the strength to withstand it's power.Pray that His grace covers us as we watch her endure, day after day the effects of her potential miracle.I have no doubt in Zoey's ability to take what is given and I continue to marvel at the courage with which she does it.There is always a measure of fear.Fear of the unknown.In those moments of fear I will turn to the only thing I can.The only thing I know and that is my faith.Please pray for the little love.We have come to rely on that as well.That's all for now.I will keep you posted on how the day plays out.The only thing left now is the ever present question ..... is this child EVER going to lose her hair!!!I'll keep you posted on that as well.
*Picture explanation :My exhausted husband asleep,probably mid-sentence reading to Jake last night.It was late.Joe had long since collapsed but no matter how late it is,it has always been our routine with the kids,to read.8 books might get pared down to 3 but we read.At 10:30 last night,this what I found when I checked in on them as they were reading up in Caitlin's and Jessica's room.Had to capture it on film.
The other pictures are of the beautiful tote that arrived in the mail for us yesterday.My lousy picture taking doesn't do it nearly the justice it deserves.The gift is from some very old and dear friends,Robyn and Bo Root and their daughter Kim.Kim actually made the tote,it's reversible too,and well,it made me cry.Along with a note that went along with it.One part of the note,that I hope Robyn doesn't mind me sharing was:"The picture on the pocket is one that I have hanging on my wall at work.People ask me if she is my granddaughter and I tell them no,she is my inspiration."We love you Root family and we cannot wait for the day that you all can meet Zoey in the flesh.Thank you,thank you,thank you.It will be just perfect to carry back and forth to the hospital.
Zoey and her family are DEFINITELY an inspiration!!! I'll be praying hard for you tomorrow as you venture back to the hospital to 'fight those bad guys!' Zoey will be in my thoughts often! Hang in there!
Love and Hugs from MI,
Alicia and Gavin
You are in our prayers tomorrow as you head back to the hospital. Zoey you are so strong, an inspiration and miracle. Big hugs
Heidi & Junior
Heather, I've already been in bed cuz it is midnight here already, but couldn't fall asleep.
So I got up again, booted my laptop and headed directly for your blog.
All the strength, the good vibes you radiate put my mind at peace immediately. If that works across the ocean, I have absolutely no doubt it will work on Zoey.
I hope that you can tackle the next challenge tomorrow and I also hope you have a kind of docking station to recharge your own batteries from time to time.
You are definitely in my prayers!
All my best - Alex
PS I would DIE for such a cute bag.. just LOVELY.
PPS Sorry, have to post "anonymously", the system doesn't accept my password
It doesn't seem like its been two weeks yet. I guess the sooner you get started the sooner your done. Praying for you and sweet little Zoey. Hugs from Lacey
The picture of them sleeping is priceless...I love it! The bag is adorable, I love that picture of Zoey!
...and the Acadamy I am so out of it... I have had my head so buried with work lately that I didn't even know they were happening tonight. now I have a good excuse for snacks and nummies in the house. Enjoy your evening, we'll be thinking of you in the morning as you make your way back. Hugs to you and sweet Zoey!
My sweet Heather...Prayers, prayers prayers...for you, for zoey, for your family! We love you guys so much and continue to hope for you. It's my turn bare you up through this next if you find yourself pacing (as I know you do) or thinking too much, please call...I am here, always! Give Zoey loves, and give yourself a HUGE hug from the Therklesens! We love you!!
I am going up to bed now and as I fall asleep praying for Abbey I too will be praying for your sweet Zoey and all of you.
I so love reading your blog. It makes me smile, cry and relate to you in so many ways. Hang in there sweet Needham family :)
Praying for that beautiful girl!
Mark and Mike favor one another in that picture. I mean, Mark and Mike look nothing alike, but asleep at days end, often in the middle of a task, from pure and utter exhaustion?!? Well, like I said... looks a lot like Mike, LOL!
The tote is sooo sweet but I love her comment on the card even more!
Good luck tomorrow! You guys are almost there... as you said, 3 down, 2 to go!!
Praying for beautiful Zoey and all of your family. I love the beautiful tote. I made prayer cards for Chloe and gave them to my church family, friends and people that I met. I asked them to place them on their refrigerator so they could remember her in prayer each day. I was overwhelmed by the response. It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that so many people care.
Zoey has a special place in my heart.
God Bless you all.
Love, love, love the photos. As I have personally seen some of Kim's work here (East Coast) - KUDOS to you Kim. Awesome job. and also a touching note from mom, Robyn
To my nephew Mark and grand nephew Jake - reading books is great. AND napping together is the sign of a family loving one another. (reading in Caitlin & Jess room brings even more of the family together - though they are away at college)
And Heather & Zoey - may your journey to the hospital be fuitful today (if that is the proper statement)
Love & hugs to everyone
(Aunt) Bluebelle
Heather - didn't mean to make you cry! Kim just felt like she wanted to do something special for you guys and Zoey and her speciality is sewing - so therefore I suggested the tote bag. Zoey was once again my "power prayer" at church yesterday, praying that you can get this next round going and be done with it. Stay strong and know that lots of people on the east coast are praying for her. Don't mind you sharing my quote at all - as Zoey is such an inspiration to all. Stay strong and know that lots of people on the east coast are praying for her.
Robyn from Otisco
Heather, missed your post on Sunday didn't get it till Monday at 2pm our time,east coast.Our prayers are continuously with you all.I am sure Zoey will continue to amaze everyone during this round,I am thinking that it would be OK with you if I added Zoeys name to our special intentions list at church.Emilias name is there and so far it's working.I wish we were not on opposite ends of the country so we could offer a hand or cook a meal, ofcourse you don't know me from a hole in the wall but we feel like your old friends.Seriously hope you not thinking I'm crazy,but through your blogs we have just fallen in love with Zoey and your family. always in our prayers,Stephanie
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