Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Jessica's Sidekick ...

Miss Zoey is extremely attached to Jess.Especially since she moved home.I mean seriously attached.The minute Jessica walks in,Zoey frantically waves and makes her way to her.Zoey outstretches her darling little arm and "asks" to be pick upped.At which time she does anything and everything NOT to be put down.Zoey squeezes Jessica's neck,buries her head in her shoulder and holds on for dear life.If Jess is sitting on the couch,especially if she is using the computer,Zoey high tails it over to the edge and makes her feelings known,in no uncertain terms,that she wants up.So cute.Their bond is beautiful and as a mother,so absolutely joyful to watch.

On an absolute side note,totally unrelated and something I don't often do here,I am going to complain.I mean I do complain here but not usually about myself.Tonight I complain.I think my body is letting me know that the stress of the last 9 months is catching up.I won't whine too much or go into every gruesome detail.Promise.Whining is not really my style.I tend to suck it up fairly well.Blessed with a high tolerance for aches and pains and overall sickness.But lately,oh boy.I have a few very real and chronic ailments that can pop up in varying degrees at any given time and right now one in particular is rearing it's ugly head in a major way.Currently and unfortunately it is Meniere's.Meniere's is a nasty disorder.Once I said that I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.I have re-thought that given the demise of a few relationships as of late.I know,not very kind but actually just kidding.Seriously though,this thing is kicking my butt.It is a daily struggle.Some days better then others.Some weeks and years,better then others.The last few weeks:bad.I am in a constant state of vertigo.My hearing,not good.My ability to think clearly and get my words from my brain to my mouth:really,really not good.Nausea:horrible.Headaches:Really horrible.Triggers:barometric pressure,some foods,especially those high in sodium,stress(hello!!!!)computer time,reading and certain stores.Yes,stores.For instance I am similar to a dog with acute sense of hearing.Strange I know.But true.I can ALWAYS tell when a store has a massive security system.Example:Target.When I am in a place like I am with this thing now,I have to get the heck out of there quickly or avoid it altogether.Sends me right over the edge.Bottom line is that I need a medication adjustment and a hearing test.The problem with Meniere's is that the uncontrolled episodes leads to permanent hearing loss.Meniere's is usually limited to one hear but in a small percentage it is bilateral.Lucky me,I,like Zoey,fall in the minority.I am not over exaggerating this thing.It is yucky.So,August 7th I go into the House Ear Clinic and find out what needs to get done because I can't seem to snap out of this particular lengthy episode.It is constant but has yet to drop me down.When I say drop I mean that literally.Once these membranes break I am sent to my knees,vomiting and in bed till it passes.I am a bit nervous that is looming on the horizon.So my blog friends,if I don't comment please don't think I am neglecting or not caring.I will read but won't be able to always comment.Somethings have to give until I get a handle on this and computer time is one of them.Sorry for the whine.I will try to limit the next whine.Next up:Lupus.

*My personal favorite is the picture where they are signing "I love you" to each other!


Kele said...

Precious pics! And yes, I feel like crap for giving you a hard time! I am soooo sorry to hear you are having such a hard time and feeling so bad! I will be calling you to check on ya... Love you girl and hang in there!

Stephanie said...

First. Jess and Zoey are too much. I love them both, please squeeze them both for me.
Second. OMGoodness, I went and looked at Meniere's, not fun friend.I am praying you get this under control.It's miserable.I am so sorry.
Third. What do you mean by Next up,Lupus. I didn't read the whole Meniere info. Can this turn into that? Clarify please!
fouth. Extremely concerned, please take care of yourself!!!

Stephanie said...

Oh HEather! I am sorry to hear (no pun intended) of your menier's. That IS a nasty one to deal with. However, I am thrilled that somebody else has "dog ears" like me!!!! I cannot go in to Target or around here, Big R stores. That sound will drop you to your knees. Also the burners on a gas stove, if they aren't clean. They have a high pitched whistle that apparently only I can hear (in our family, at leat). T.V.;s and computer monitor's too. UGH! This is why I can't go into the sound proof booth with Christopher for his hearing test. It kills me. I haven't been dX w/ Meiner's but I have been dx with TMJ and arthritis in my jaw. Just had a cortisone shot there. Wouldn't recommend it.

Hope you feel much better soon.

Zoey is just soooooo cute! She seems to be moving right along!

Steph and Christopher

heidi marie said...

i live the signing pic, too! very sweet. i have two sisters and they are the best gift my parents gave to me.

on the other note-i'm glad that you are going to get some help. it's definately time to take care of yourself. if anyone deserves relief or a break it's you. you'll be in my prayers. i hope the doctor visit goes well and that things get better soon!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you. There is nothing more frightening or frustrating as a mother than the thought of being too sick to take care of your children.

Anonymous said...

Love the pics of Zoey with "big sister" Jessica. The signing of "I love you" is awesome!

Heather - You are doing the right thing going to clinic. I went in to your highlighted sites for the ear clinic & info about disease. I have had vertigo a few times over the years, and it is not fun. When you turn over in bed, the room begins to spin. I'm wondering, do you run alone? If a sudden bout came upon you when running, and no one was with you....not good. Also migraines - been there, done that - a bad one put me to bed and when really bad goes on for 12-17 hours with vomiting. Not fun. Fortunately, I no longer have them or.. "knock-on wood" no vertigo.

I also read in the site a person should have an advocate go with them... hope you are doing that - I know what an independent woman you are. (In a positive manner)

And - no you are not whining. All the stress - it usually will show up somewhere and unfortunately yours is the vertigo, ear, migraine thing.

I wish you the best....

Love & hugs to everyone


Anonymous said...

PS Forgot to mention love Zoey's dress/outfit. She is looking like a "big girl" (not baby) now


The VW's said...

Such sweet pictures and what a special bond!

My husband recently had these same exact symptoms that you are having...dizzy, headaches, vertigo, vomiting. It was horrible for him! He went to the ENT and they cleaned out his ears, ALOT and said that he had a bad virus that was affecting his balance. He was given Atrovert(SP?) and this helped some with the vertigo. They said that this type of virus can affect people for up to months or a year, but thankfully he is already starting to feel better! I pray that you begin to feel better real soon too! HUGS!!!

Lacey said...

Oh, thats got to be the worst. Vertigo and headaches, ugh. I'm so sorry. Hopefully this gets all worked out. Feel better my dear friend.

Unknown said...

Great pictures. That bond of sisters is one that I will never know. Other than through my daughters. Such a special, special bond it is.

Sorry to hear about Meniers. Doesn't sound much fun to have. I have had inner ear infections that cause virtigo. They were awful. I can't imagine how bad Meniers makes you feel.

Thanks for the comment regarding the platelet issues. I really need to find more information out from the doctors. I just kept hoping and praying that Carly's platelets would come up and be normal. Not sure that's going to happen.

Hope you're feeling better and soon.

Lisa said...

You really do have a lot to manage through! I am glad you live so close to HEI...an amazing place. We live in Ohio, but I was treated at House (Dr. Friedman & Dr. Hitselberger) for an acoustic neuroma. I hope you start to feel better soon!

Denise said...

Good things first!!!! Jess and Zoey are pure love!! Zoey is no dummy, she knows a special person when she sees her. I could tell just from hearing her in the background when we spoke the other day what a neat gal Jess is. Zoey is lucky to have 3 wonderful older sisters. And of course those 2 big brothers that will be her protectors for life!!! As for your condition, I am so sorry to hear about that awful condition. No wonder Zoey is such a fighter, sounds like you have been fighting your share of things as well and have taught her well!! I hope we can somehow see each other when Lacey is down!!!

blogzilly said...

Wow, no idea you had that condition, that is just AWFUL. Damn.

Those pics rock though.

The Hearnes said...

You're in our prayers, Heather! I just read up on Meniere's disorder; oh, it sounds horrible! Let me know if you need help with my darling Zoey. We're headed out of town Aug. 5-10 but would love to help my Camarillo friend in any way that I can!


P.S. Love the photos of Zoey and Jess.

Heather said...

Love the new pictures. It is wonderful watching siblings interact with each other. I am sorry that you are not well. I have Systemic Lupus and can totally relate to your post. It seems to me that after a stressful event with my family has passed, my body decides to go into a flare up. I pray that your body gets back into its normal state so that you can get back to your wonderful family. Love and blessings today and always!

Anonymous said...

Praying for a great doctor's report. You always seem so up-beat and you are beautiful in the photos I've seen on your blog. You hide your pain very well. Hopefully, you will get the perfect medicine that will heal your body.

Judith Russell
Sugar Land, Texas

Bea Braun said...

Ah Heather that nasty Meniere's and it sounds like a really bad relapse. I am SO very sorry that the meds aren't as effective. Lots of stress, your body does what it needs to do to survive, and then when you can let your guard down a little bit, bam your autoimmune issues come alive. I will pray that House can increase the dosage or they have something new that will really help your symptoms. Let the audiologist know she better do a good job! On the blessing side, you were able to be there for Zoey every step of the way and look how cute she is SIGNING to her big sister! Take it easy.

Scrappy quilter said...

I love the pictures and like you love her signing "I love you". Incredible and so heart touching.

Hope you're feeling better soon. Prayers being said. Hugs..

Anonymous said...

What a sweet blessing to have each other. 2 great side kicks for each other!
Oh my friend...I wish I could send you a plane ticket, fly you here, then wisk each of us away to a far off land with a great beach, our dear friends and family, no stress, no doctors, no medical terminology, no worries! Please, my friend, let me know what I can do...if anything helps with all of this, helps soothe, helps calm! one day, one day I will be close enough to come to the rescue, bring great old movies, yummy (yet healthy) treats, maybe a hot cocoa and a cozy blankie...one day! Until then, my friend, love and pray for you from afar!

Googsmom said...


Kisses For Noah said...

I'm so sorry, Heather :( Chronic illness stinks! You are always in my prayers :) (Did you get my email the other week?) Take care :)

Karen Owens said...

The Photos are beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Meniere's.

If the regular MD doesn't stop the problem, and if your open to alternative therapies, you may want to consider cranio-sacral therapy. My Dr. says that she has had good results with her patients with Meniers. (And all the insurance companies I've had over the years cover it at 80% -- Cigna & United Healthcare. ) She recommends Eric Dolgin in Santa Monica -- he's am osteopath physician.

Ten years ago, I woke up everyday taking excedrin to quell the inevitable headache of the day. I was in her office with my 8-year-old son (ADHD, OCD & ODD) and complained about my terrible headache and she said that she could help. Sure enough it works ....although I get occasional headaches, my life doesn't revolve around them. My son was also helped by her....the OCD and ODD haven't been a real factor -- although he still needs his Vivanse for school days. He's no walk in the park to parent, but things are ALOT better.

The thing about osteopaths is that their training pretty much mimics the regular MD training. A friend of ours got his degree and instead of doing a residency in traditional osteopathy ($$$$ is not as good) he did anesthesiology residency.

Anyhow, it's an option you may want to consider if traditional medicine doesn't give you quick relief.

Take care, Jenefer (Jeff's friend who probably dishes out too much advice.)

CJ Field said...

I love those pictures, they are priceless! I hope you start feeling better soon!

Anonymous said...

Jess must be Zoey's hero!

I will pray for you Heather. This is the first time I ever heard about Meniere.