Sunday, July 26, 2009

A lazy mom's post ....

I have to admit,this is kind of a re-post.I put it on a long time ago and it can also be found in my "Learn More and Be Inspired " section,but if you haven't seen it it yet I highly encourage a viewing.Or perhaps a re-viewing.It is well worth it.Makes me cry every time.
*Don't forget to pause the blog music at the bottom ... the visual is breathtaking but it's the words that are awe inspiring.

The weekend went fast.Mark worked until 4am on Friday and then turned around and went back in on Saturday.Didn't feel much like a weekend.Summer is fading way too fast and I am trying to figure out how to hold on to it a bit longer.With Zoey having been in the hospital and housebound for 7 months,I am so not ready to get back to rigorous routine.Don't get me wrong,the control freak in me loves routine but the newly acquired side of me of not sweating the small stuff would much prefer to stretch out the lazy,hazy days of summer.

Headed down to Children's for a few hours this afternoon to visit with a little buddy and his mom.He is part of the extra chromosome club as well.He has ALL and is just having a heck of a time getting a handle on it or rather mostly, a handle on the the side stuff that comes along with it.Hated going back to that place but loved it at the same time.Bizarre I know.That combination of joy and sorrow intertwined.Feeling sick in some moments knowing how at ease and comfortable I have become on a cancer floor.Children's is my home to a certain extent,filled with a family that I have come to love over the years.Especially since the latest in October.I do not think that feeling will go away.Ever.I am indebted.A debt I will never be able to repay but at the same time need to find a way to honor this child of mine that so many have labored tirelessly and lovingly to save.Lately I am feeling that inexplicable inner nudging,ever so gently guiding me in ways to begin the phase of giving back and paying it forward.Already this week I have had three mini brainstorming ideas with three different people.Now it's a matter of bringing them to fruition.It will happen.I know it will.When it's meant to.Waiting has never been my strong suit but I am learning.Slowly but surely learning.


Denise said...

I had never seen that video before, thanks for posting it. I am in complete agreement with you about not wanting summer to end. I am soooo loving the no schedule thing. All of us in my family work very well without a routine and I am not looking forward to having to get back on one. I hope the little guy at CHLA is doing okay!!

Stephanie said...

That was breathtaking, thanks.
These kids of ours are the best kept secrets. I feel that anyone who meets Em and holds her is enchanted by her and immediately "let in" on our secret.That goes for all our kids,it's unbelievable how much you can fallin love if you let yourself. It is sad that so many people don't want to, they have no idea the joy they are missing.

Lacey said...

Don't even worry about it. I shouldn't have gone to see it. Normally it doesn't bother me, its like the Notebook, its just a tearjerker movie. But it was definitely to close to home. Maybe thats why I had a dream about you and Zoey last night. That we were playing, and Zoey was walking, yes walking. Soon, I hope we will be able to play together often.

Anna said...

So we are both playing the waiting game. I love the song on my blog about waiting.(cant remember the artists name) Im so glad that we can actually find things to do with ourselves IN the waiting.

Anonymous said...

Never have seen that video before Heather - beautiful along with your words. Your brainstorming has just begun I'm guessing. It is so you!.....

Love & hugs to everyone

Aute Bluebelle

PS Mark...Even though cut short, was nice to hear your voice yesterday - check on the way for 10 bracelets or, the old saying - "the check is in the mail"

Scrappy quilter said...

I don't want summer to end either. It was late in coming and now we are having such wonderful weather. I too hope the little guy at CHLA is doing well. Hugs!!

Shelly Turpin said...

I have been out of the loop lately - I looked over your blog and was so sad to see that someone was so unkind to you and your family. I am sorry. I am also grateful that y'all are keeping the blog open. I, for one, would have been lost without you during the past few months. Thank you my friend.

Evalena's Mom said...

I just wanted to thank you and your family for posting eloquence and allowing us a glimpse inside your incredible world. I haven't read your blog for a few weeks - mostly due to a move, new job, lots of doctors visits for Evalena - but did catch up with the past stressful comments others made. I'm sorry your eyes had to read the words of an ignorant few. Know that we cherish your family and keep you all in our prayers. Continued blessings and strength! Kathleen

Emily said...

Thanks for sharing the video. I loved it, and I too cried. I found your blog through Jeanna and feisty Kaelyn. I have a 16 month old with Downs. I think Zoey is adorable, I hope all is going well with her.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to the hearing about the ideas you have. :-)

Kele said...

Yo lazy Mom! Where the hell are ya?