Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Simply Magical ......

Well,Miss Zoey is doing new things daily.We are seeing this little spurt of growth in all areas and she just continues to blow us away.Thought I might share a little snippet of the magic she casts upon our lives daily.My little love.I could just eat her up.Pause the blog music to listen.

Oh and on a side note.Brief as possible but having to be addressed.It was brought to my attention, that quite possibly, some of my words from my post "A View From Our New Normal"was well,a bit out of line.Shocking really, as that was never my intention. So to clarify this part of the post :"My life has been filled to the brim the last year with people too stuck in their own selfish world and unable to "deal"with the sickness and sadness to keep up with our lives or the lives of these other children.This is real.These are real lives and you know,people can bury their heads,avoid because they can't handle it but know one thing,it could be you one day.And maybe that is what scares them and maybe that is the saddest thing of all.That peoples own fear for their own child and themselves, keep them away from experiencing some of life's greatest blessings.".... those words were not directed to any one person or people inparticular.Those words were merely a generalized statement.Do we have people who have dropped out?Absolutely but this post was not about them.And further more I was certainly NOT speaking of cancer or more specifically leukemia in children with Down syndrome,when I said"but know one thing,it could be you one day".I was merely saying that sometimes life hands us a wide range of the unexpected.When we least expect it.So,if I offended anyone or anyone thought I was purposely meaning to be holier then thou,passing out condemnation,being any one's conscience or dolling out reminders in a superior manner,my apologies.Sincerely.I was just writing.That is what I do here.There are not,nor have there ever been, posts meant for anyone to read between the lines as to get some weird message and point across.I'm much more straight forward than that and if you really know me and follow me here,I don't beat around the bush.I frankly don't have time in my life for that.So my apologies again, for anyone who felt it was a direct slam at them personally.Enough said.Enjoy the magic.


Anonymous said...

Wow, amazing Miss Z! Sweet photos with Taylor.


Tina said...

Firstly what beautiful pictures on top, how expressive, truely beautiful.
Secondly, that video, well I couldn't help but watch it over again with that warm feeling in my heart, Oh Zoey you're so so cute, I love the way she shows her tummy and says bye bye....I think it's just so wonderful when we see them doing new stuff, everything is special, everything should be celebrated.

Thanks so much for sharing the magic!

Stephanie said...

That smart little Princess! could you possibly just post a video everyday! Zoey is growing so fast, and doing so many things, it's wonderful to see. Thanks for sharing er with us!!!!
BTW, there was no need for any apologies. It was a super heart felt post! All posts and words can't be filled with sugar.There was no finger pointing in your post.Hope you didn't catch any cr*p about it!!

The VW's said...

Great job Zoey! You are adorable and inspirational! HUGS!!!

grammygwen said...

Love the video, thanks for sharing.
I guess that I will never understand some people. I thank you for your blog and the post on other children. Having lost my own grand daughter to AML gives me even more reason to pray for all of the little ones fighting this and all life threatening diseases. The reality is that it can happen to anyone.
Always praying on this end,

Anonymous said...

Yeah Zoey!!! you have learned so much since our visit! I am so proud of you! I will have to have Grandma come over to see this. I miss you (and the whole family) and especially your hugs!
Love you,
Aunt Lisa

Devon said...

Sweet girl!!

In my experience with this, many people just can't handle it. I have tried to be charitable to those friends who have let me go--it's hard sometimes for me. I think a lot of people just don't know what to say, and it's easier to not say anything at all and avoid the issue. (Though for me, I wish people would say that they don't know what to say). I tell you what, though--you learn who your friends are--the ones who are standing by you now. In some ways I'm grateful for that, and in others it's the sum total of everything I wish I didn't know. Oh well.

Hugs to you, Heather.

Ivey's Mom said...

Wonder if there was a reason that someone took your words to be directed toward them? A little guilty maybe? I got some of that same crap, and that is about the time I quit putting my feeling up like I did in the beginning. But this is our story, Ivey's story and unfortunately for all who read it ... from my perspective, no matter how unbiased I try to be. Some of my biggest critics have been family. Imagine that. Maybe I should stick Ivey under a rock and hide her. Then some one would pounce for that. I took a break for a couple of weeks trying to decide if I even wanted to keep the blog up any more. Gavin definately made me think about. Some day, I will want all of these memories. All of them. You keep on writing - tell it like it really is, and if they don't like it, don't read it. Find some sappy blog somewhere else or one of those who make life seem so easy, because it is someone full of crap, and probably falling apart in reality. Look at me getting on a soapbox, just keep doing you thing.
We love miss Zoey - and yes, life isn't always a cup of tea. Reality.

Gracesmommy said...

She certainly is magical... she's captured so many hearts... mine being one of them! I know you are brimming with pride at the enormous strides she is making. I love when she patted her tummy. My daughter does the same and it's so adorable!!! Congrats Zoey!!! You are truly one amazing little love!!!

Dana Janowicz said...

Thanks for our morning movie:). She is such a sweetie.

Lacey said...

Oh Heather, how can you do that to me? I miss that girl so bad I can't stand it. Rolling all over the place. Tanner is standing here and he just asked me when we are going back to Zoeys house. He also said he hopes she doesn't bite him again, I don't remeber that. She was probably giving him a big kiss. Miss you my friend.

Anonymous said...

That is so cool! Progress
You have to be proud of her.
I'm guessing, but I think every step must be a lot of work for her.
I get frustrated when I can't get an ellipse to fit properly into a rectangle. Ha! Ha! I'm so spoiled, I don't even know. Click - click, problem solved. I could learn a lot from Zoey about determination and hard work. ;-)
Have a blessed and great day!

Reagan Leigh said...

Oh my gosh! It's amazing the things she's doing now! Just amazing! And I love the pics at the top...how sweet is she?!?! As far as the post...you have absolutely, positively NO reason to apologize! I totally "got" that post. So many people go through their lives (including me before Reagan) thinking that they are invincible. While it's sad to think about sick or handicap kids, it's so far removed from them it has no real implication on their own life. That is, until it happens to them (or someone they know and love). Obviously a generalization. Obviously just a piece of wisdom you are trying to share...I can't believe someone would take it personally. Someone needs to get over themselves! This is our lives and at no point should we have to apologize for our reality!

Caitlin said...

Ooh me and Danny and Charlotte just watched Auntie Zoey...she's such a smarty! Danny loves how she pats her tummy so quickly when you ask. My favorite was "all done" because how she did it all on her own and so sweetly with her cute hand. I also love how she tried to get Joe.

We love you,
me danny + charlotte

Dawson said...

The video is truly magic. What a beautiful and smart little girl. Isn't her journey truly amazing???!!!

I certainly think so.

Ya know, Zoey has always been inspiring during times of fighting and battles but I just realized she is equally inspiring even when shes not having to fight. Shes just a little girl who is enjoying life. That inspires me as well.

God certainly smiles on that girl!!

Oh and one of the greatest things about having a blog is being able to say what YOU want to say. Afterall, its your blog. Shame on people for reading too much into things. Maybe some people need thicker skin??

Anyways thanks for sharing Zoey with us. She has put a smile on my face today

Love you guys!!

Unknown said...

She brings a smile to my face. Such a bright shinning star, Miss Zoey is.
Love how she scoots on her bottom. That's exactly how Carly used to get around too :o)

Anonymous said...

Princess Zoey, how magical and smart you are! I remember not too long ago when we were all amazed that you learned to sit up. Now you're learning to talk to all of us. Love it!

Heather, we truly enjoyed reading your post about the new normal. It was something Carla, Erik and I all discussed and shared. Made us all think....I hope you know how much love and support you and your family truly have...

Missed seeing Caitlyn, next attempt will be Thanksgiving. Not sure of our schedule as we are hoping to be at CIF in Fresno :-)

Love and amazement!

Christy Pinuelas

heidi marie said...

what a doll! i love seeing videos of miss zoey. she is amazing!!!

Tish said...

OK, I have to come back to your house!! My Zoey gives me goosebumps of joy!!

Thank you for sharing... and I love the photos with Taylor, too!

Scrappy quilter said...

She is so precious. I love seeing videos of her. What a cutie pie!!

Claudia said...

Well, said my friend. I guess there are lots of people around us trying to avoid us because we are the living example that things not only happen to "the others". Sad but true.

Miss Z is fantastic!

libby @ ninesandquines said...

she is SO adorable and so smart!!!! what a blessing :-)

Jackson's Blog said...

I love the video of Zoey! She is so precious and learning so much! I love the way she interacts and looks at her sister's and brother's too. Really adorable!

Monica said...

Zoey is AWESOME! :)

Bea Braun said...

Magical is right!!! What a little love. She has really made great strides in such a short time. I love the hand wave bye, bye (i.e., put that thing down mom and pick me up). Pure joy.

Anonymous said...

Her movements are so fluid and beautiful. Can't wait to see her on her feet. Love seing her move!

Even if why is not known to us, your words are meant for someone. Guided by your heart, trusting in God, well said.


Shonda said...

Love the video! The pictures say so much...it just looks like pure love between the two of them.
By the way I am a total stranger who does not know you, and I love your blog. I have never thought you were pointing any fingers. Just stating the facts!
Anyway...WAY TO GO ZOEY!!!!

momologist said...

Hmmm well I don't want to leave any swear words although they are my favorite in these types of situations. :) Larkin and I both think that if someone took it as a direct hit - then let em. I too get people who want to personalize a post I write when here's a thought - WHOLE DAYS go by where I don't think about them - it's a blog, it's where we vent, it's where we share, it's our safe place and I get you. Larkin get's you. If they didn't like it then perhaps it's as if another commenter said - guilt.

Our lives are a deep intrinsic walk through pain, diagnosis, love and yes even death. That is the way it is folks. You wrote that piece beautifully and from the heart.

Don't you ever apologize for that.

Kristen's mom said...

The bracelts was such a great idea. I ordered them and I will send you a bunch to distribute also. Thank You!

Googsmom said...

Zoey is the best!!!!! Love that kid!

Anonymous said...

WOW - look at her, she's amazing in every way! She seems like shes grown, changed so much since I saw her in May (Iguess that was quite a while ago)...she's beautiful. Thanks for sharing all of that with us. And you know, this is a place where you can just share your heart and soul with us, your friends and if people don't like it or get offended well then they don't have to take part in it! Love you dear friend! Thanks for making me smile! :)

Cheri said...

Ohhhh Little Zoey, you are doing GREAT!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

You are right, some people want to bury their head in the sand. But that doesn't stop the angels.
People can live in a 'me' world. As a 3rd World Politics Speaker I know alot about the ' don't want to talk about it' stuff because this other stuff happened to me type thing.
People have got to look at reality, its this world, its life. They may not want to but....
They are entilted to opinions too.
If you want more info on what I do:
email me. I'll be glad to talk.
Love to you and your little girl.

debi9kids said...

My goodness... I just saw your comment on my friend, Jess' blog and came here to read through abunch of your posts and your backstory... your outlook is just incredible and never let anyone make you feel bad for sharing what is in your heart. This is YOUR blog, your place. Say what you want.
Blesings to your beautiful family and I will certainly be keeping your sweet daughter in my prayers.

blogzilly said...

Yeah I actually thought what you said made a lot of sense. Though most of what you write does. Anyway, I wasn't offended at all. :)

Jamie said...

Zoeeeyyy! Yup, ur still cute as can be. Just checkin. :)

Jeana said...

I love the video, zoey is doing so well! Just keep it up girl! You're inspiring us all.