Thursday, December 3, 2009

Miss Zoey ...

I received a comment the other day and the last part of it asked ... "And,how is Zoey doing?"It got me to thinking that it has been awhile since I have given an update on her and where she is at and an over all run down of the girl wonder.And what a wonder she is.

Today finds the little love with another cold.Hard to say at this point, if it will be a mild one or go south like the last.All I know, is that when I look back at the last year,through treatment,that Zoey seemed to remain amazingly healthy.I think that guardian angel was watching extra vigilantly over her and this year,well,I have a feeling it may be a rough one.The difference though,is I have the confidence now in Zoey's ability to fight things and actually fighting things might not be such a bad thing.Build back her immunity system now that she is more able.As for her clinic schedule:December the 14th we return for our first labs in two months.The longest we have gone,almost ever, since Zoey's birth.We are back to regular draws now that her port is gone.Something she hated before and I am certain she will hate once again.Checking Zoey's blood has been second nature to us since she has been born.We have never known not checking numbers.Someday,I hope to put that routine to rest.For good.There is always major trepidation attached to lab draws.Before she was diagnosed it was waiting to see if she'd dodge the dreaded "L" word.Then she was diagnosed and now, it is anxiety,praying she remains in remission and can find herself in the clear with each passing month and with each passing year.Will I ever stop worrying?Probably not.Today she has a bruise on her knee and took a long nap.Logically,she banged her knee rolling around and she napped longer because she has a cold.A mother, of a child who has had cancer,her mind goes to the absolute illogical because a mother,of a child who has had cancer, has a much different reality than most.So we pray and we move on.

As for other areas in Miss Zoey's life.We are still battling food or lack there of.One day I so hope this child just begins eating again.I have to believe she will.We have the absolute best OT/feeding specialist so I feel we are doing all we can.The rest,like most everything else,is up to Zoey.Her other therapies are moving right along.Vision is consistently good but Zoey does have her therapist wrapped nicely around her finger and my stubborn girl has Christi busy keeping her motivated and interested.We have a new fabulous PT and today Zoey was fitted for a Rifton Walker.Can I tell you how excited I am for Zoey?To bring her up and into the world around her and take one major move forward, to one day hopefully walking, is truly exciting.The walker is super cute.I know that sounds weird but it really is.We picked a raspberry color and with any luck will have it by the first of the year.And finally speech.This continues to be Zoey's strongest area and quite frankly,I never dreamed it would be.As far as actual verbal speech,she has none.Hard to say if she ever will.She could possibly fall into the grouping of children with Down syndrome who have severe Apraxia.Who knows.But her signing and her receptive language,what she understands,is so encouraging.Because of Zoey's stroke she is classified as having Cerebral Palsy.With that diagnosis,we see in her, huge issues with motor planning.Not that she doesn't understand certain things but that her little body fails her from her brain to actually implementing the action.Sad sometimes,yes but I don't stay there long.I rejoice in what she can do and here is the run down of Zoey and her signs.Some are spontaneously and others are prompted and then she does them:daddy,wash,more,shh,water,phone,eat,bed/sleep,milk,hat,up,no,baby,by-bye,yes(with head nod),gives high fives.Emerging:mom,all done and hurt.Body parts she knows:hair,teeth,tongue,mouth,eyes,nose,tummy,ears and feet.She can point to pictures of most all family members when placed on her board.Zoey can:stomp her feet(of course while sitting!),she points up when she hears a plane.She will plug your nose when you say "P-U",she fake coughs and fake laughs,she gives hugs, blows kisses, waves her little hand in the air with a few fingers up for "I love you",claps, stretches and turns pages in books.Whew ... I think that is about all.We are so proud of Zoey and we cannot wait to see what lies ahead.It's sure to be magical ... just like her.


julie said...

Zoey is so cute,love her.Just want to give her a big hug! Madison still has her cold,can't seem to stop the runny nose.She had another fever last night too. Eveyone always asked when she is going to have her tube come out.But this child will not eat!! very frustrating but at least with her NG tube she gets what she needs and that is I guess what matters. Everyday Madison asks to go to Heathers house. Hopefully soon. Love ya

Tish said...

And we're proud of Miss Zoey, too... my magical miracle wonder girl!!!

God Bless You, Heather. You're an AMAZING mommy.

almcl said...

Oh, yay! I am so excited to see her in her walker!!

Dria said...

How wonderful that Zoey is doing so great. I loved reading the list of all her accomplishments! All those signs. She is so adorable and is such a little blessing.

Tina said...

You have every reason to be proud of her, for all her hard work and for her great spirit. She is doing so wonderfully and every accomplishment must bring you so much joy, I know how trilled I get with the smallest of things with Saira.
Look forward to seeing her in her walker, love seeing pictures of your little wonder!

The VW's said...

WOW! Zoey sounds like she is doing amazingly well! What a precious girl! HUGS!

Unknown said...

I'm excited to see Zoey with her new walker! Wow! She is doing amazingly well considering all of her obstacles. I have no doubt, Zoey will bust straight through every obstacle before her. She is, quite the little wonder.

Stephanie said...

That's the most uplifting update ever!
And OMG she looks (and I know you don't want to hear it)but, she looks super grown up in that picture.
She must have gone through a growth spurt. She is simply gorgeous and all that signing!!! WOW! I can't wait until Em does all the things Zoey is doing.
Zoey you are just amazing!!
Hugs, kisses and always prayers to all!

Anonymous said...

Heather, Zoey's progress is so heartening! Thank you so much for sharing your precious girl with us via this blog. Barbara

Lacey said...

Such a smart girl. And those piggy tails look so cute on her. She continues to amaze me, just like Jax does. Our little warriors. Love you.

Anonymous said...

I love that little girl!
I hope and pray that she continues to surprise and amaze everyone as she has, and more.

heidi marie said...

you forgot to mention that she is the most adorable little girl ever!!!! and she is definitely an all-star. hopefully, one day we can all meet!

Anna said...

With all of my feelings of grief this week.... to read this upbeat post on sweet little Zoey Grace is just what my heart needed. Thank you for letting me be a follower. I agree with everyone else. What a big girl.... and so beautiful!

Scrappy quilter said...

Oh how I loved this update. She is doing so well. M never talked, however he could burb on command and knew if we were at church and sitting on a wood pew when to fart!! He had no problem eating, however now that he is at school he is refusing to go on the bus when school is over. Our kids are magical...they teach us so much and Zoey is teaching all of you and even us. Continued prayers for your sweet girl. Hugs

Jeana said...

Sounds like Zoey is doing awesome! Yes she is such a fighter and can truly bust her way through anything. I pray this cold won't be like the last and she can stay germ free through the winter. We are learning here that is hard to do.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Awesome wheels in your future little Miss Z. She will be a real "on the move" Miss Z. Bet there will be some great stores to relate as she begins "wheeling" her way around in the world!!

You go Zoey girl!

Thanks for updates Heather.


Melani said...

I have been reading your blog for a year now. I must say you have a beautiful daughter, Zoey, whom I have dreamed of meeting in person since I too live in Camarillo...and your other children are simply amazing as you and your husband are! I pray for you and your family. :)

Googsmom said...

{{{{{{HUGS ZOEY}}}}}}} She is so wonderful and so smart too. I lub her so :) Great pics below too.

Anonymous said...

Do you really think Zoey has me wrapped around her little finger????? HA! You bet she does. I can't keep up with her. Love, love, love family Christmas card day. Such beauty that radiates from inside all of you -- even Matt. :)
xo Christi Harman

Mama Mason-Mann said...

She looks so old in that picture!!! What a big girl she's becoming. Thanks for sharing the update. As always, elquently written and a joy to read. :)