Thursday, January 28, 2010

If you are sick of hearing me talk about Zoey's signing... ignore this.If not,quick update.

So ... with this explosion of Zoey's signing,it is really time to step it up and begin teaching her to put two signs or two words,how ever you want to look at it, together.Just the same as a verbal child would do as their speech is developing.I sign with Zoey pretty much with every sentence that I speak to her.Multiple words in a single sentence.The way it has been going down lately,like with "sit" and "funny",I am not spending time actually teaching her but rather repetitive "speaking",with those words.For instance,Zoey showers with her daddy every morning.It's their thing.Their time together.I sign "shower",multiple times as I am getting her ready,day after day and voila,the other day she signs "shower",repeats it the following days and she now has another word to her "vocabulary".I cannot tell you how fascinating and exciting it is to watch this area develop.I see it in her eyes.I watch her watch my hands and my lips and I know,by days end sometimes,there is yet another word.

Now to the update and speaking of daddy ... Zoey adores her's.She signs daddy all day long,to which I always reply,verbally and signing,"Daddy's at work."Tonight, as we were sitting on the couch,Zoey looks at me,signs "daddy' and then signs "work",immediately after.She did it like three times!"Work"is new this week also.I cried.Real tears.Cried and then called her speech therapist,who I am pretty sure, cried too.My girl.My incredible girl, put two words together!

Another thing she has been doing lately is signing or gesturing,as if to ask a question or bring my attention to something.She has done that a few times over the last couple of days.Tonight we had our darling friend Madison over.You may remember Madison from the incredible youtube video singing with Miley Cyrus.By the way,if you never watched it when I posted it before,I highly recommend you do.We love,love,love our buddy Madison so very much.Anyway,Madison has an NG tube and I kept looking over at Zoey and Zoey was looking at me,with this serious,concerned face,putting her finger to her face,repeatedly and sliding it down as if to almost ask what was in Madison's nose.I answered her.Told her Madison was okay.She wasn't hurt.Didn't have a boo-boo.She seemed satisfied with that and that was that.I truly think she was engaging me in conversation.Really and truly.

This miracle child of mine never,ever ceases to amaze.Ever.


Denise said...

So, how is Madison doing? Those are really cute pictures of her with the kids. Call me tomorrow since we played phone tag today. Keep up the signing, Zoey!!!

Tina said...

You're bringing tears to my eyes right now, just so satisfying when one reads about the little miracles that surround us each and everyday. I can just feel that warm feeling that bring happy tears to ones eyes that you must have felt as you watched Zoey signing 2 words together, the excitment along with the proudness we feel for our children who continue to surprise us constantly.
Well done Zoey, and no we never get sick of hearing about your signing or any other thing that you're up to for that matter...just keep them coming.

Anonymous said...

I tell you - LEAPS AND BOUNDS - watch out - Zoey is on the move - will you be able to keep up with her? Such great news

Robyn from Otisco Lake

Sinead said...

Great news. Good luck with her IEP today. I think all of this communicating will explode with the routine and consistency of school. Our IEP was last Friday and it went well and gave me confidence that the school can give my baby what she needs and keep her safe.

Unknown said...

That is so cool. I love me goose bumps. I remember when Kyle finally got the sign for was like a breakthrough...I'll never forget that feeling.


Stephanie said...

How could you possibly think anyone would be tired of hearing you talk about Z signing!!!
Bring it on! it gives me hope! Hope that Em will be signing just like Zoey one day.
Plus in this house we do the happy dance every time Zoey learns something new. She's on a roll and we want to hear everything!!!!

Dana Janowicz said...

Are you kidding? Sick of hearing about Miss Zoey? NEVER!!! Good job you incredible girl, and mommy too because you are indeed a huge part of this success.

Unknown said...

Amazing!! Wonderful!! Fabulous!!

Never, ever tire of hearing about Miss Zoey and all of her accomplishments.

Lacey said...

Madison looks great, she is getting hair back, is she doing good?
Miss Zoey, I'm so excited that she is blossoming!

Tina said...

I would NEVER get sick of hearing about zoey's signing. It is so JOYOUS to see our children making such accomplishments.

You must try the PECS. I will work & she will be excited that she is communicating with you. Just take pictures of a few of her favorite food items. Let me know how it works.

Anonymous said...

I did cry. Actually, I've been crying a lot of joyful tears lately. Zoey is so determined and blows me away on a regular basis!


Anonymous said...

wow, wow & wow again! This little princess is amazing, growing in sooo many ways. Signing two words together, it's like she knows what you are thinking about mommy Heather.. and zip, zip she does it. I am awe struck! love, love, love it.

Yes I do remember the video of Madison - so great that she got together with the 3 youngest Needhams - and that Zoey noticed her tube...Hoping she (Madison) is doing okay .

Love & hugs to everyone


Stephanie said...

Oh so proud of Miss Zoey! She is a prime example of why I hate to see other parents giving up on what they think their child will be capable of....just because a doctor or an x-ray tells them one story - especially with brain injuries. When they happen so young, sometimes children can "re-wire" themselves. Sooooooo proud of you!!!! Have a wonderful weekend!


Steph and Christopher

Anonymous said...

Have you considered that Zoey has undiscovered talents that will amaze us all? Her determination and strengths could indicate a much greater potential then anyone of us could imagine.
Just a joyful thought that I hope encourages you to keep up your efforts. Great job!

Monica said...

I had never seen the video of Madison singing with Miley...I was moved to tears. Miley seems like a really sweet person. I imagine Madison was thrilled to sing with her...

You know its funny...I have the song "The Climb" on my blog and when I hear it I usually think of Zoey. I never grow tired of hearing about her new signs. As the mother of a non verbal child...I can totally relate to the joy you feel with each new word. I am grateful that you share it with all of us.

Taylor Morgan said...

I love that top picture!

sheree said...

That is amazing! There isn't a day that goes by that I am not shocked at how much signing has improved our lives. These children are so bright and giving them this tool to communicate is just priceless!

Way to go, Zoey!

Anonymous said...

me too big sister Taylor Morgan (top picture) Hoping things are going well for you at college

Aunt Bluebelle

Ivey's Mom said...

Yeahhhhhhh!!! Now get over here and help teach some of your signs to Ivey!. We are doing the same things. Signing everything possible. I am still learning. All of Ivey's signs are tactile - either on me or using hand-under-hand. It's tough since she has a hard time hearing and absolutely no reference to anything. But she is getting it. She understands 'verbs' more than anything else. She did put 'change diaper' together, which was such a big step for her! Proof she understood two combined signs... Go miss Zoey!! You made us smile today!!!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Absolutely beautiful post. Thanks so much for sharing! You brightened my day. :)

Angi said...

I don't think I could ever be done with stories of little Zoey...she is amazing!! So proud of her! She sees and hears everything around her, and her heart may have come to this earth with some "problems" but I believe it will always be bigger than most people we meet on a daily basis..of course she was concerned for her friend...

Googsmom said...

Yeaaaaa Zoey. You are a rockstar!!

Anonymous said...

It's so amazing to witness this unfolding and blossoming! Your family is certainly a blessing in my life -- thank you xo Christi Harman

Dawson said...

Love you guys!! and we can never get enough of all the marvelous and wonderous things that Zoey is doing.

Isn't it just amazing what God is doing

We look forward to hearing about the next thing she learns

tish said...

This time, the song, "you're so amazing" was playing as I read this post. The rapid progress happening with Miss Zoey's communication and mobility is sending chills from head to toe and filling my eyes with tears, while always bringing a smile to my face.

That's my girl!! :)

Victoria Strong said...

What a beautiful, amazing little girl you have! I love checking in on you and seeing what new wonders Miss Zoey is accomplishing! She makes me hope and fills my heart with pure joy. Love, love, love this news!!!

Victoria Strong said...

Oh and PS -- How handsome our your boys in that first picture with beautiful Madison!

Scrappy quilter said...

It's so good to hear what Zoey is doing when it comes to signing. How I wish M would have had as much success with it. WTG mom and Zoey. And never will I get tired of hearing what your little champ is doing. Wonderful Zoey!!

Mary said...

That is absolutely amazing! Congratulations!

Jeana said...

Can I just say your boys are sooo handsome, they are going to make the best husbands/fathers some day...just had that thought when I saw those beautiful pictures of them.

Ivey's Mom said...

I borrowed it too. :)

Dawson said...

That is so awesome!!! So wonerdful to hear of Miss Zoey's accomplishments. She is truly amazing!!! Love form Bama.

libby @ ninesandquines said...

that video of madison ALWAYS brings tears to my eyes....i've watched it quite a few times. and love that zoey is so concerned and just loves unconditionally :-) what a doll!

Jeanette said...

Heather, it's been forever since I have read blogs. I love reading about Zoey's signing. Sydney said Papa for so long and refused to call me mama, or anything at all. There is something about a girl and her daddy.

The Sanchez Family said...

LOVE you Zoey!!! Just plain and simple the sweetest face I've ever seen. That blog header...gorgeous! happy! healthy! vibrant! alive! Just love it!
I would LOVE for you to come up and see us when Sofia arrives...and then I'll return the favor and come down south to see you...oh and mickey and minnie too :)

Kele said...

OMG! What an explosion indeed, I can't get over it! WTG Zoey!