Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Another 2 months ...

Yesterday was oncology clinic day.The day was,shall we say,interesting.Not lab results wise but it was a comedy of tiny errors from the get go but no matter.The most important aspect of the day,Zoey's blood work,was flawless.As in no red flags.Relief and gratitude for sure.Her numbers look almost identical to 2 months ago.Pesky,pesky white blood cells,lagging still.3.11 ...normal is between 4and 10.The good news is that within those white cells she has good neutrophils and monocytes and that helps her to further fight infection and yields her an ANC of 1250.I'll take that.Platelets are 188,000,which is great and once again my child is kicking out hemoglobin like no other... 16.7...normal is between 11-13.I sure will take higher then normal rather then lower.So that is the long and the short of it.Cut loose till April.When we return in April we will jump to every 3 months and be that much closer to calling her cured.What an amazing day that will be.

Time to get busy planning Zoey's 3rd birthday.We are going to have a blowout.This year will be the first year,since her birth that we or rather she, has not been in crisis mode.We are doing a butterfly theme.I found this quote that fits our little love perfectly:"There is nothing in a caterpillar that tells you it's going to be a butterfly." ~Richard Buckminster Fuller....Super excited for this celebration.Anxious to share the joy of Zoey's 3rd birthday with all the people who have supported us,loved us,and even forgiven us ,when we have been less then perfect,while finding our way through the last 16 months.

As for the little love... she has been a little "spacey".That is the best way to describe her.Not as sharp and a bit cranky.Most likely the new Topamax dosage.Topamax has a nickname,"dopamax",for it's cognitive dulling potential and I believe that is what we are seeing.I don't like it but then again, I like seizures even less, so we will ride it out till she adjusts to it.

Found her in the shoe basket this morning.Literally was upstairs grabbing laundry for just a few minutes and I came down and found her like this.The part that cracks me up the most is that her arm is out of her shirt ... no idea how that even happened.

A huge thank you once again,to all of you who prayed for us and mostly Zoey, through this last week as we hit all her big appointments.I was reminded in an email today from a long time blogging friend,to not doubt the faithfulness of the God who has seen us through thus far... a much needed reminder.One I hope that carries me through for another 2 months.


Stephanie said...

Yippeeee!! Good news!!!

OH, you don't know how I want to be there for that b- day!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Awesome news! Happiness abounds from California all the way to the East Coast, North & South too.

Zoey is leading us all!

Love & hugs to everyone

Aunt Bluebelle

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the little princess! I love watching her grow up. I am left in constant amazement. Love, Christy Pinuelas

Kaden Epstein said...

Glad you got some good news...thinking of her always!

Lacey said...

Ray asked me if I knew how the clinic appointment went. I told him I totally forgot to ask, but if you didn't say anything,that can only mean good things! What a birthday party this will be, because we will be there! JK

Devon said...

Oh praise God. I'm so glad to hear her tests came back so good!!!

I'm sorry the Topamax is doing that to her. Gosh, these meds sometimes cause more trouble than they prevent!!!!!!

Hugs to you, Heather.

Anonymous said...

Awesome post and picture. Love to all, Christi Harman

Ivey's Mom said...

Well well. We did a butterfly theme for Ivey. We even used the same quote. I have it on a plaque. Apparently, great minds do think alike. We made tons of butterflies from tissue paper and pipe cleaners and hung them.

As for the Topamax we are on it too. This week while the video EEG is running they have pulled her Topamax and Keppra, but still on two other seizure meds. Ivey will be 'dopey' for about a week and a half then she starts coming around again.

Yippeeeeeee on the results. I know you slept better last night. Give ms. zoey a hug and kiss from GA.

Rest easy my friend!

The VW's said...

Praise the Lord for great numbers!!!

I love that picture of Miss Zoey! What a special little girl! Hugs and kisses to her and you!

Anna said...

Heather..... love you and Ms Zoey so much! Sweet post.

Melani said...

I have been following your blog for the last 16 months. I am happy her blood work was flawless!
Butterflys are wonderful, I love them and think this will be the perfect theme for her 3rd birthday!
Mariposa is butterfly in Spanish, it just rolls off the tongue!
Love the pic!

Shelly Turpin said...

so glad her numbers look good :)
wonderful news

Runningmama said...

Wonderful! I am sure Zoey will totally enjoy her 3rd birthday party.

Monica said...

I hope she has a blast (I know she will) at her birthday...she deserves it...and her family deserves to sit back, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

I love the picture...it's like she is saying "uh oh, Busted!" lol

Denise said...

Woo Hoo!!! Love hearing about good blood results. Love, even more, seeing her make a mess!! Can't wait to help Zoey celebrate that third birthday!!!

JUST A MOM said...

YAHOOOO!!!! What a special gift :)

Dawson said...

Love to hear about those good numbers!! ( although Im not the least bit surprised at how good they are *wink wink* )

Oh how we wish we could be there to celebrate her 3rd birthday!! I think its so awesome that on that special day, there will literally be people all over the country celebrating her birthday right along with you.. What a superstar she is

Topamax..... Yeah, not one of my favorite drugs either but like you said.. she WILL adjust to the new dose, and then all will be well again.

Much love coming your way and we are jumping up and down with joy for these great numbers

Anonymous said...

Great news! Another answered prayer.

mandd3 said...

I sat in Mass today thinking of you and how great it must have felt to have your whole family there. Mike and I have been taking turns taking the girls, but he travels during the week. They are in the children's choir which was singing for the evening Mass today so I took them (and Tomas). I didn't really hear a word the priest said, all I heard were the coughs of the people around me. Then I thought of you and 3 years seems like such a long time. I thought just how good it must feel to be all together again. It is SO comforting to know the black hole does not go on forever. I am thrilled to see Zoey's numbers look so nice, and so very glad I came back around to your blog.
God bless,

Dana Janowicz said...

Perfect 3rd birthday present for Miss Z. Good times for all of you.

Tina said...

Absolutely awesome news!!! Fantastic news, now you can all enjoy that birthday...wish we could be there to celebrate, sounds like such a beautiful theme. Please email me your address (christina.mitra@hotmail.com) ....I really wnat to send Zoey a little something for her big day.
So so happy that things are all well with her...many hugs

almcl said...

I look at this picture, her face, and think of Miss Zoey as a teenager giving you MAJOR attitude. I'm loving it!

Glad to hear the appointments went well.

Samantha said...

I am celebrating and saying a prayer of thanks that she is doing so well!!! Have fun planning her birthday. She is such a little sweet heart! Bet you would of loved to see how that arm got out of that shirt! Too funny!

tish said...

My Zoey princess continues to guide us toward all that is good here on earth. I think that is pretty mighty of a life that has only been here for 3 years!

Bea Braun said...

What a complete and total blessing and look at her mischief! She's being a 3 year old - yahoo!

Bethany said...

Aww, have fun planning her party! I wanna come! LOL!

Cathy said...

I love your blog and your little girl! I am so happy for you all.

Googsmom said...

That is super news!!
{{{{HUGS ZOEY}}}}}