Wednesday, September 22, 2010

It seems as if,no matter where I turn,there it is ...

Cancer.Two posts in a row now.Countless ones in the past about our friends, our fellow warriors and ultimately, our hero's.Thinking that,each and everytime I write about these children,I question the fact that childhood cancer is rare.When Zoey was inpatient,they literally had to turn away children because there were not enough beds and as soon as a bed emptied,there was a new diagnosis filling it.September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and the reality of it is,46 children will have been diagnosed with cancer today.46 ... 46 too many in my opinion.

In January I introduced you to Lois.A darling dark haired beauty.I had been contacted by a friend,who knew of Lois and her family and thought I might have some words of wisdom to impart as they began their journey with pediatric cancer.I emailed back and forth with Lois' mom a number of time.Pulled from my experience with Zoey any tricks of the trade that might help ... like Babylegs and Desitin and of course,added my take on our amazing chromosomally enhanced little darlings.How they defy the odds and do their thing in their unique,incredible way.I told her to follow Lois' lead and she would surely show them the way.I continued to follow Lois,mainly through Facebook and a mere 3 weeks ago,her mommy Catherine, let us all know that Lois was through with treatment and 100% cancer free.We all rejoiced and I said,as I say to others who are finished with treatment,"settle in.reclaim a new normal and enjoy the view from this side.It's magnificent."I meant those words and spoke them confidently, as I have seen first hand the magic of that extra chromosome.Well,yesterday,news came that Lois had relapsed.It made me re-think those words I so effortlessly speak of life after chemo.You can read Catherine's words here and then you can pray.And then maybe,if you haven't done it already,as I have implored all to do in the past,go join The National Marrow Donor Program.Do it today.The life you save might just be Lois'.

You know, a large piece of my heart belongs to the Down syndrome community,but if the truth be known,a larger part belongs to the community of pediatric cancer.This world and the children that inhabit it,live with me each and everyday.I am touched and changed and called to do something.

Today that something is merely to bring yet another precious face to you,that represents a parents worst nightmare,cancer.I know people can't handle the sadness,the fight and sometimes,yes even the dying.In fact,my own family found it easier to walk away then deal with the reality that was and is our life.Today don't look away.Don't fear it when others are living it.Remember and remind yourselves,"there but for the grace of God go I" ...


Anonymous said...

That is heart breaking. Truly and deeply heart breaking. While I am not a parent myself, I was not a well infant and heard all my Mom's grief. And I had a friend die of infant leukemia at the age of 27 after a marrow translant gone awry. Oh, so tragic.

I cannot donate blood or marrow because I've had breast cancer and colon cancer. I cannot donate money because I've been unemployed longer anyone wants to know.

So what can I do? There must be something.

Kristin said...

Oh how I cringe at posts like these. The one thing I remember from talking with a geneticist when we adopted Max, was that cancer was very common and a couple of the signs were unexplained bruises and bleeding. Every time Max gets a bruise, my stomach flutters. Praying for all those warriors out there among us :)

The VW's said...

This breaks my heart! I can't even imagine! I'll be checking in on them and PRAYING!!! Hugs!

Kristen's mom said...

Seems these days the tears are pretty much here to stay. Is it just me or is this whole cancer thing stepping it up a notch? Well I too have had enough. I am sick of this thing called cancer. How can we get the attention we need to fight childhood cancer the way it needs to be faught? If only we could come up with something clever and effective for Childhood Cancer Awareness.
It's time to make gold the new pink.

Cammie Heflin said...

Ugh, I didn't know she had relapsed. Cancer SUCKS!

Rochelle said...

I am so sorry to hear about Lois, we are praying for their family and her complete recovery.
I looked into the registry too but, having had cancer myself they won't allow me to sign up. But, I am going to talk to others about Lois and the registry and see if we can't get her a match.

Hope said...

That is terrible. I'm so sorry she has to fight all over again. Praying!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

I am sorry to hear about your little friend Lois. Cancer sucks!

Elizabeth said...

Thank you for the reminder, and I will pray for little Lois. I wonder if you know Karen Gerstenberger's blog? She is just the most remarkable person, writer and mother of a young girl, Katie, who died of cancer three years ago. I feel like if you don't know her yet, you should.

Love and blessings to you --

Melissa said...

My heart just hurts to hear this. They will all be in my prayers.

Bea Braun said...

Praying for Lois and her family. What a beautiful little girl. Thank God for the support you provide each other. Let her family know that there are a lot of people praying for sweet Lois.

Tina said...

So heartbreaking and infuriating can this ever be justified, beautiful innocent pure souls of children. Just can't make any sense of it. I will be praying for Lois and and for all those many other children suffering, praying for a cure and for an end to this...I know that's a tall asking but will pray all the same.

Shelly Turpin said...

Cancer scares me so badly. Every bruise that Bella gets speeds up my heart rate. Praying for those who have had to live with my worst nightmare.

blogzilly said...

Cancer sucks.

(I actually had written MUCH more...but when I hit post it wiped everything, and when I went back a page it was all gone. And I actually had written some insightful things for a change.)

Googsmom said...
