Monday, October 25, 2010

Remission ....

This picture was taken,2 years ago today.Exactly one day prior to when leukemia came knocking.

But today almost 2 years later,continued remission was the news of the day.And that news,finds our family, feeling blessed and lucky.For as we waited on results,we headed to 4 East to do our blanket drop and in a single moment,we were reminded of the life that was once ours,once our daughters and we so wish the miracle of remission could be bestowed upon all of those precious kids up there.I can make one hell of a blanket but miracles,not so much.So today, as we left clinic and left our former battle zone, we not only left our blankets,we left our deepest hopes,greatest desires and fervent prayers,that all will find their cure.Somehow.Someway.God willing.

Has Zoey found her's?Not necessarily.She has a ways to go until that can be proclaimed.But as we begin this week,a week that will mark 2 years since diagnosis,we know how fortunate we are,to be in this moment.In these 2 years, we have witnessed far more than we could ever have imagined we would see in our lifetime.We have watched courage,determination,strength and forgiveness,come in the tiniest and most fragile of bodies.We have seen and shed,more tears then anyone could possibly imagine.Sometimes for our child but more often than not,for someone else's.Our hearts have been and continue to be,so heavy for friends,met in the trenches of pediatric cancer,that now, have become family forever.So today and all week we will reflect on our journey of the last 2 years.We will thank God for His unwavering,compassionate hand that has been our guide and our light in the darkest of times.We will rejoice in the health of our fellow warriors,ever grateful for another day.We will pray for our fellow warriors who continue to wage war,against a foe that can rear its brutal and ugly head but cannot and will not rob us of our undeniable spirit to live.And this week,we will most especially pause and remember those little heroes,who fought daily,with every ounce that had,only to leave us,far too soon.

So tonight this post is less about Miss Z and more about those who we have walked beside and in some moments,been carried by.For alongside the sorrow and the pain of this road, we have been gifted some of lives greatest treasures,not to be seen or to be touched but rather to now dwell deep within our hearts and to all of you,and you know who you are, we thank you and love you,now and forever.


Kristin said...

The good R word. Great news!

Tina said...

So relieved and so so happy to be reading this news. I can't tell you what a happy feeling it is. I know there are too many out there having to fight this dreadful evil and it's so hard to live knowing how much pain there is out there, I just wanted some good news for a change. I prayed that Zoey would come out with flying colours and she has. All I can say is big hugs and kisses to that princess of yours.

Stephanie said...

And why an I not surprised...

love and hugs!

Lori said...

Praise the Lord for Remission!

Kristen's mom said...

fortunate indeed. we've all seen too much. some how it makes those awe moments just that much better.

kecia said...

so glad she got the all clear!

Kelly said...

Wow Heather, this was a beautiful post. Great news for Miss Zoe!! Our continued thoughts and prayers to each little warrior and their families. ((HUGS))

Dawson said...

Praise God!!!!!

Cheryl said...


Anonymous said...

Isn't that just the sweetest "R" word that you have ever heard? "Remission!"
Got to love that! ;-)
Praying that Zoey stays in remission, continues to stay healthy, and keeps on being a blessing to us all! AMEN!

Scrappy quilter said...

Wonderful news!! Give that little one a big hug form me. Hugs

Googsmom said...

Love ya Zoey!!!

ANewKindOfPerfect said...

Yeah! That is FANTASTIC news. Go Zoey. :)

We have not walked that walk, thank heavens ... but have talked along with others who have. Your warriors are SO strong and amazing!

ch said...


Elizabeth said...

Oh, thank God. I will be thanking Him for this and praying for the others.

Blessings to you and your family --

Bea Braun said...

Beautiful, beautiful news!!! What a journey you have been on and one that has changed all of you. You have been touched and changed by so many amazing families. Thank you for sharing your journey and the lives of so many that have touched all of us. I am in awe!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Praise God for continued remission! I know I still hold my breath before every appointment. I don't know if that "what if" ever goes away. Always praying for Zoey as we work towards our day of "cancer free!" :)

connie said...

Wonderful news.

Anonymous said...

Don't know what happened to my blog - did it early in am - must not have it the right button-- anyway - way to go Miss Z!!!

Lovely posting, Heather you do have an amazing way with words - straight from the heart!!

Aunt Bluebelle

Boz said...

Your blog is amazing! Zoey is so cute and she must be really strong. you have amazing quotes and i've emailed a bunch of them to myself and my mom. Seeing how amazing you guys are even though you must have a super hard time makes me smile! God loves you!

Kele said...

Sigh, two years ago... hard to believe! Precious picture tho, Presley still has her ball from Z like those. Give the little love a kiss and we'll talk soon!


Go Zoey!

Melissa said...

I'm so glad to hear that sweet Z is still in remission!!