Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Oncology 3 month check and prayers for a teeny-tiny miracle guy...


Yesterday we headed to Children's for Zoey's 3 month oncology check up.I manage to keep cancer in the recesses of my mind for most of the months in between appointments.However, about a week before our appointment I get a little weird and freaky on everybody.Snappy and withdrawn and I sigh these heavy sighs without really knowing it, until someone says,"Mom,what is your problem? Why are you sighing?"

And then, the day arrives and we load up the car,the little love and I and we go because we have no choice. I talk to Zoey about where we are going and what is going to happen and this time,she shoots me a very dirty look and crosses her arms and in that moment I know,she knows.She remembers.She hasn't forgotten. We enter the lab and she is the one freaking now and we do the draw and we wait.Me,not so patiently.And.without warning, our beeper goes off, kinda like our table is ready but not really,instead we go to our exam room but not mind you, "the" room where she was first diagnosed because that freakyness of mine carries into some superstitions,like for instance, we don't ever do that room anymore.And then I hightail it to the front desk and request her labs before the doctor comes in because I need to see the results before he comes in the room because I never,not ever again,want to hear the words,"We have some problems.",without me having the heads up first.I quickly scan the results and look for where it says "blasts",praying for "0" and scan to the platelets and the hemoglobin and then and only then do I breath,but not completely,until he comes and he smiles and he says"All looks great.".And yesterday,he did just that.Miss Zoey remains in remission and for that we thank God with all our hearts and never,ever take that for granted.


Meet the precious Aiden and his amazing mommy,my sweet,dear friend, Julie. Aiden was born last Wednesday.Blazing into this world at just over 25 weeks in his mommas pregnancy,weighing 2 pounds and measuring 13 inches long.A miracle, right?And would you look at him?Just a nasal cannula  for oxygen and kangarooing with his mommy and he is not even a week old.What a little fighter and no wonder,he comes from hearty fighter stock because you see,his sister is the fighter of all fighters.His sister,the darling Madison, was diagnosed with Stage 4 neuroblastoma just 2 weeks after Zoey was diagnosed with leukemia and we have watched this child go through more, to reach this this moment of no evidence of disease,then any other child we have ever watched battle.And trust me, we have seen some battles,that is for sure.So tonight, please say some prayers for Aiden as he continues his job of growing big so he can come home  and for his family, as they journey forward with their teeny-tiny miracle boy.


Stephanie said...

Love the good news! And holy cow what a tiny dumpling!! And doing so well! Fighter for sure! Keeping him in my prayers!!

The VW's said...

Praising God with you, that Zoey's results were great once again! What a blessing and what a relief!

That little guy is precious.....and definitely a miracle! I can't believe he's only on O2! What a fighter! Praying he continues to do well! Hugs!!!

Anonymous said...

love this photo of MIss Z. She is getting so grown up! What a difference since a year ago when I last saw her. I can just see her with her little arms crossed and a dirty look on her face as you are traveling down the highway to Children's Hospital. She so knows, boy does she ever! and... thank you God for the remission word! That is the most wonderful word to hear..

Such a tiny baby, wishing them all the best of luck


The Annessa Family said...

Wow! So thankful that Zoey is still in remission! And what an amazing little guy...We'll be praying for him and for his family!

Brooke Annessa

Becca said...

Whew! I can almost hear your sigh of relief at Zoey's results from here. So glad it was as you (and all of us) hoped.

An incredible photo of Aiden and his mommy. Wow, he *is* a little fighter!

Lacey said...

I didn't know Madisons mommy had a baby!!
How beautiful, and what a fighter he is already! Takes after that sister of his!

Dora's Daddy said...

Relieved for you all! And we will say our prayers.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

Wonderful news about your sweet and beautiful Ms. Zoey! And I'll be thinking of that little fighter and his family!

Runningmama said...

That's great news! I have a feeling I will have the same anxiety the week before we get Emily's blood checked.

Rochelle said...

Great news! YEAH for no cancer! Hugs Zoey! Much love to you little friend.

Will definitely say a prayer for sweet Aiden. Oh my goodness how sweet he is. But then I am partial to Aidans lol!

Shelly Turpin said...

So wonderful to hear all is well with our Zoey. What a tiny little miracle - hoping all the very best for them!!

Anonymous said...

Great to hear Z is doing well :) Good thoughts to Aiden's family!!!
Anna in NY.

Cammie Heflin said...

Yeah!! Love the results!!! Miss you terribly, really need my Cali friend chats!

just jean said...

So glad for Zoey's news! So....we'll be sending prayers of gratitude on Zoey's behalf, and prayers of supplication for sweet innocent Aiden.

Good lessons for all of us.

colleen said...

I Expected nothing less... so glad this was also reality! So thankful here in Ct for this great news. Also sorry for the unavoidable anxiety you experience every three months... sounds like you and CHLA plan for it well... now get some well deserved rest.

Chaplain Steve said...

Every time I read one of your CHLA Blogs, my heart almost stops until I get to the good news. I cherish my time with you at CHLA and am so thankful that I met you and Zoey and Mark too. Keep strong and let God love you!

To Love Endlessly said...

Lifting up prayers for Aiden and and rejoicing for the wonderful news aout Zoey. God is good!

Scrappy quilter said...

What wonderful news. And that little peanut...look at him so precious. Hugs

Googsmom said...

OMGoodness, the cuteness!! I will Pray for this sweet boy and his family!

Melani said...

I am happy for your baby ZOey Grace, that is awesome!

I will pray for the little guy and his family.

Melissa said...

Love the good news for Zoey and will be praying for Aiden and his family!