Wednesday, August 24, 2011

"We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves." ~ Buddha




Still waving and smiling at the end of the day!

Preschool began today for the littlest love. Her smile tells the story and although she has begun to exhibit separation anxiety as of late, when I leave her to go to say the store or an errand, as noted by her big bubba lip and her constant babble of "mom-mom,mom-mom", none of that was seen today. Happy. Content. And a smile and wave for all who crossed her path. She is the the quintessential definition of pure, unbridled joy. I hate being away from her, but come on, how could I NOT share that ray of sunshine with the world?


Anna said...

she is just pure glory...... what a princess. I wrestle with being able to share mine tho. Maybe since weve only been together for a year? Maybe because we had to fight so hard to have her that I cannot think of letting go just yet? I am so proud of her.... and you!

blogzilly said...

I don't know about you, but there might actually be something very GOOD about her experiencing some separation anxiety. As far as developmentally speaking goes I mean. I know I wasn't content until Bennett went through his phase of it.

I wish I had hair like hers. :)

The VW's said...

It can be so hard on us Mommas to share our children with the rest of the world! Great job letting your sweet girl spread her wings! I love the pictures, as always! Zoey is so beautiful! Hugs!

The Annessa Family said...

Oh she is just as you said...purse sunshine!


Anonymous said...

So Cute!

Cammie Heflin said...

Have I mentioned that I LOVE HER??? So glad she had a great first day!

Anonymous said...

she looks so happy Heather. Know it is hard for you but now that she has her wheel chair and she's "up" with all the others she will just plunge ahead this year. Love her outfit and ofcourse her pink bag everthing matching for the little love.

And...her on the East Coast the boys seem to be having an awesome time, doing different things. Mark has some great photos of their trip to Niagara Falls. You would have enjoyed seeing the looks on both their faces as they "helped" Poppa steer the boat. Smiles from ear to ear! Just like Zoey at school.

The little Needhams all seem happy in their East Coast/West Coast spaces. Sunday is going to come to fast for all of us..

Take care


Reagan Leigh said...

Oh my goodness...could she BE any more cute?!?!? She is such a social girl! I bet separation anxiety is affecting both of you!!! Hang in there...she's doing great!!!

Anonymous said...

Bluebelle here again - I forgot to mention I LOVE LOVE the photo albums that I understand Jessica & Caitlin made up for:Aunt Lisa, Aunt Bluebelle and Granma Barb & Poppa
Awesome selections girls! Great entire famiy photo of everyone sitting on the stairs. (and Zoey Grace leaning over to give Jessica a kiss)

Thanks again
Aunt Bluebelle

Lacey said...

As soon as she gets in the groove, she'll happily leave you behind momma! My gorgeous Zoey, her hair is getting soo long. I am desperately needing some Zoey squeezes!!

sheree said...

She is just the sweetest! I love that she LOVES school!


JEllen said...

Precious!!! It looks like a great day for Miss Zoey:)

Elizabeth said...

She is so freaking cute, I can hardly stand it.

What a big girl going to school! She is going to love it and they her!

Kristin said...

Look at her!!! Love it.

Denise said...

So glad that today went perfectly. I knew you were a little curious about how she would do after the summer. And I couldn't agree with you more about sharing that ray of sunshine. I think I must get at least 3 comments a day when I pick Ella up from school saying that they just want to take her home with them. Love our girls!!!


Pure joy.No wonder Jesus loved children so much. They are the only ones who have the right attitude!

colleen said...

Such beautiful pictures of such a beautiful child...enjoy all your transitions as. We on the east coast are introduce to our first earthquake and major hurricane on our annual vacation to ocean city and separation anxiety are looking pretty good....its all about perspective...

Scrappy quilter said...

Look at her, so all grown up. Where has the time gone. She is such a little doll. I love her smile. I hope she has a wonderful year, filled with experiencing fun, imagination, friends, love and support from all who come in contact with her. hugs

Cole said...

Oh it's true- you do have to share that joy with the world! Happy Pre-school dear Zoey! May they soak up as much from you as you do from them!
(and yes- Cam cracks me up!- that show is the best!)

Anonymous said...

How wonderfully adorable she is!
I also have a girl with Down Syndrome, she is 2,5 years now, and have had heart surgery, one liver resection which did not work as planned, and a liver transplant about a year ago.
She had a hard time breathing after the transplant, so she needed a tracheostomy and C-pap treatment.
Now she is, knock on woods, just fine!
Only 3 short weeks until the 1 year post-transplantation check up! Looking forward to it, as they hopefully will remove the trach :D

Hope your daughter is doing well! Have already bookmarked your blog, and will follow it!

Many greetings from Norway :)

Linda said...

How precious! Hope to see you both again sooner rather than later!

Bethany said...

Zoey must be an absolute blessing to her teachers and aides at school! I know that I would have been honored to have had her in my classroom and treasured and delighted in her. She is such a social darling!!

Melissa said...

Loving the Zoey pictures!! And I love that she is enjoying school. It's funny, because I love being home with Claire, but I think most days she would rather be at daycare. All those kids are much more fun than I am. :)

Victoria Strong said...

Oh my goodness. I am in love with that last photo or Zoey waving. I almost didn't recognize how big and grown up she is. And independent -- look how independent she is! Love you little one.