Friday, July 17, 2009

Grandchildren are God's way of compensating us for growing old. ~Mary H. Waldrip

My little side kick and I are back from our trip to La Jolla. We spent the remainder of the week with Caitlin, Danny and precious little Charlie. We finagled an invite under the guise of "helping." Well, that is not entirely true. They wanted us to stay but the helping part ... that was my intention, however, they hardly needed my help. Caitlin and Danny are already amazing parents. No exaggeration. Very little rattles them and they are embracing every,single, solitary aspect of parenthood. They are a fabulous team and Charlie certainly completes them. As for Charlie, what can I say except that she is perfect. Just beautiful. She has taken to nursing effortlessly. So much so, that she came home on Monday weighing 6lbs.10oz and today, at her follow up appointment, she was 7lbs 8 1/2ounces! What a little porker. The McAuliffe family of three are going to do just fine. More then fine. They are and will be magnificent. We all wish we were closer in distance but something tells me we will be taking alot of road trips in the future. And Miss Zoey, she was such a trooper. Laid back as usual. Adapted to her porta-crib and the change to her daily routine with no problem whatsoever. She did have an off day on Thursday though. I was concerned something was really off. My mind goes to crazy places whenever she is not herself. I do not think I will ever not go to those places with this child. Ever. Poor little love, cried for an entire hour straight in the late afternoon and, the thing is, Zoey NEVER cries. I still am not sure what was up but today she seemed more like her happy little self again. The week also proved to be a real growth spurt for her as well. Not physically but on a cognitive level. As I told you and now you can see for yourself in this little video, she signs baby like crazy. She claps in her modified way. She puts her hand and pinky up for I love you. She places her hand on her head for daddy and a few times repeated the sign, or her version of, thank you. Mind you, these are all prompted but she is at least doing a really fantastic job of imitating. Some signs will end up being modified versions of some kind or another due to the absence of use of her left hand. So, to me, considering all that Zoey has been through, this stuff is truly mind blowing to watch evolve. Mark and the boys came down late yesterday to get us. They went to the beach with Danny until into the evening and then we had a late dinner on our last night together. Perfect ending to a perfect week. A week just enjoying each others company. We had a blast watching Zoey doing her thing. I savored each moment with my little grandbaby and marveled as I watched my amazing daughter step into this next chapter of her life with such grace and beauty. Love you Caitlin and Danny. We are so, so very proud of you.

*If you want to watch the video of Zoey, don't forget to scroll down and pause the blog music.


Stephanie said...

Oh, Charlie is perfection! She is beyond beautiful! Caitlin looks great and happy and glowing. How wonderful everything is now.
Zoey is amazing as usual. I could watch her all day. That video was a delightful treat! Hugs and kisses to all!

Unknown said...

Yay for Zoey!! Modified signs are just dandy. Carly has them too, due to her left side.

Charlie...oh my goodness. She is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing pictures. I've been waiting for them.

My favorite picture of Zoey thus far into following your journey is the very last picture of her on this post. Carly was just now gazing at her. I said,"Carly, this is Zoey. Isn't she cute". Carly's response, "yeeaahh" along with a big grin.

Shelly Turpin said...

That baby is so beautiful!

Way to go Zoey! It's amazing to watch the human spirit overcome it's bodily limitations!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

Charlie is just precious!!! I'm glad you got to go spend some time with them!! And Zoey is doing GREAT! Kennedy always came up with modified signs too... as long as we knew what they meant we figured, who cares about the rest of the world! haha I'm glad she's feeling back to herself again... I still worry when Kennedy is feeling out of sorts. You're right, that will never go away. The joys of being a cancer mom. HA!

Anonymous said...

Oh that sweet little thing just triggers emotions in me like nothin else! I am so proud of her...we are so proud of her. She is growing so much, she is a marvel I tell ya and my heart aches for our next meeting! And can I just say Miss Charlie is perfect! she is gorgeous Heather! My heart is so full for you...a beautiful addition, Zoey is home and thriving, your children are parents and wonderful one's at that...a blessed time my friend, blessed! Love to you and yours...xoxo

Lacey said...

Uh Heather, I'm jumping in the car right now and coming down. I can't stand it anymore, I need some Zoey loves. And can I say, she looks so long. Jax is the same way, never cries, so when he does I know something is wrong.
The baby is beautiful. And quite the porker.

kathleen said...

Could a baby be more beautiful? I don't think so. She appears to be absolutely perfect. What a blessing. Zoey is growing up! She now looks like the a big girl compared to Charlie. I can tell you like this grandma thing. Told you so.

Googsmom said...

Oh my goodness, Zoey is soooo cute!!! Good signing Zoey WTG!!! {{{{HUGS Grandbaby too}}}}}

Sophia said...

Zoey is soooooooooo adorable.

Sophia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Amazingly beautiful grandchild. And way to go Zoey. Congratulations all around.

Sophia said...

I could keep watching that video of Zoey all day. And Charlie is soo beutiful.

Jen said...

So I am a new follower. Very new.
And let me just say, your precious Zoey, is amazing. And so beautiful.
Thank you so much for sharing that video.

The VW's said...

What a GORGEOUS baby!!! And what a precious Miss Zoey! She is doing so well! I'm so happy for you! HUGS!!!

Denise said...

How fun to see Zoey in action and what a sweet big sister Caitlin is to her. I feel jealous because Zoey has so many teachers in her life!! I am glad to hear that Zoey didn't end up having anything wrong. That is the problem with kids that hardly ever cry...we think its something major when they do. That baby Charlie is just beautiful!!!

Alessandra said...

Congratulations!!! and tell caitlin congrats as well. Zoey is adorable and your little grandbaby is beautiful. Keeping you all in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Well, well... This great great Auntie is in awe of that new baby and Zoey - you are one amazing little great niece. What else can I say

Heather I'm glad you and the family especially your little "side-kick" are able to hit the road to see that new granddaughter Charlie

Amazing, amazing

Take care


Anonymous said...

I suspect that she will be a Daddy's Girl! I know the proud father feeling too!
Good Job to Zoey!
Have a Great Weekend to go with a perfect week.

Kristen's mom said...

Having grandchildren is truly an amazing experience! The signs Kristen learned are the first words she said. She also made up many signs of her own. I agree with Renae, The Joys of being a cancer mom; always the extra worry when our kids don't seem themselves.

Anonymous said...

Heather and Mark, your granddaughter is exquisite, oh my. Your youngest daughter is incredible. Obviously, I watched the video and read the post describing all of her new signs I saw Katie Lee yesterday and suggested she check out the blog! Can't wait to see you, lots of love, Christi Harman

Scrappy quilter said...

I agree, Charlie is perfection. What a precious granddaughter. And Zoey...AWESOME!! She continues to be amazing and awesome and just plain cute. You just fall in love more each time you see your precious little one. Hugs Grandma!! Don't you just love being called that?

Michelle said...

I have followed your story for awhile now but never left a comment.

Congratulations on your beautiful new granddaughter she is lovely !!

Zoey is an inspiration to all and she is just adorable.

God Bless you all !!

Mama Mason-Mann said...

First word that came to my mind was "perfection" too. Wow, is she gorgeous! And that little Ms. Zoey. You go girl!!! :)

The Hearnes said...

That's my girl, Zoey! I loved watching the video (3 times!).

Caitlin's calm and serenity shine so brightly while holding her first born. Charlie is a beautiful gift... and, boy, is she one lucky baby to be surrounded by so much love.

Thank you for sharing your week with us!

Continued blessings,

Danyele Easterhaus said...

can she get any more precious? i mean seriously?! her signs are incredible! and she's really coming along...and she's so proud of herself. that zoey! and that precious little pea charlie is too much! so gorgeous! congrats on a fab time...and a great fam!

Reagan Leigh said...

Love the new pics! Charlie is just precious and that last picture of Zoey may be my all time favorite! The video was also just too cute! Love it!

Teresa @ Grammy Girlfriend said...

What a beautiful baby....Just blog hopping tonight and found yours. I have enjoyed reading it.. I love seeing all the different blog designs. Have a Happy Sunday!

Kisses For Noah said...

Zoey never ceases to amaze me! She is a smart little cookie!

Charlie is just gorgeous! Congrats again,Heather. :)

Anonymous said...

Great Granddad & Great Grandma saw the pics & video last night - I just happened to ask if they had seen or wanted to see it and "no we haven't but, OF COURSE, if you don't mind" was blurted out - hahaha - what a family, it keeps growing and getting more beautiful all the time! LOVED LOVED LOVED the video - I know go back and play each morning to start my day - Zoey just thrills me ... she is an amazing child!!! Getting ready for church and will continue to send prayers your way

Robyn from Otisco

PS - don't forget to add a trip to the EAST in your travel plans!!! We are all waiting patiently...

My name is Sarah said...

Such a beautiful family. Precious beyond words.

Anonymous said...

TO Robyn (from Ositco Lake)

Thank you for showing great, great grandma & poppa the video and latest pics. I spoke with her (gg grandma Barb)earlier in day and as yet she (they) haden't seen them!


Mimi & grandpa - can't get enough of Zoey's video - I have told all my friends - you have no idea how many people here in Syracuse area are asking about all of you!

Victoria Strong said...

You are right, Charlie is simply gorgeous. She looks so peaceful and wise beyond her days :) And your daughter looks so relaxed. Amazing!

I'm sorry about the nasty comment someone left. My mind boggles that someone would do that. They are clearly missing something in their own lives that they would have no empathy, so compassion, and no understanding. The way in which you live, see the world, and give to others is a model to be exemplified!!! And that is what most of us see!!!

Kristy said...

Way to go Zoey!!!!! Wow she is doing awesome! I watched the video over and over again!! Zoey brings such a smile to my face! I'm so glad that you were able to spend the week with your little grandbaby Charlotte. Wow she is absolutely beautiful. Congrats again to you and your family. Children are gifts, the most beautiful gifts any person could ever receive.

hugs to you!! xoxoxo

Kele said...

Oh my gosh!! I wore the biggest smile throughout the entire video!
And don't you know a minute and thirty four seconds isn't near long enough!! I could watch her forever!!! I love you guys!

Mary said...

Charlie is beautiful and Zoey is awe inspiring! What a wonderful and blessed family you have!

Joella said...

Charlie is beautiful, so perfect!!!!!! Love the pictures of her. Priceless! WOW about Zoey, amazing little girl, she is an angel from GOD!!!!!!! I can only imagine how you are feeling now, with a new addition to you family , and all that your other amazing baby girl is doing.............. GOD is good and he is definitive present in your family. I pray for many more blessings to you!!!!!!!