Friday, December 18, 2009

Under the Weather ...

I knew the moment I picked Zoey up from her crib this morning,that something was off because I didn't find a smiley face looking up at me as I peered over the rail of her bed.Instead... pale face.Like serious pale.Like,mom,I don't feel good, pale.The other tell tale sign was her little tongue was going,ever so gentle in and out,only the way it does when she is super tired and doesn't feel well.I held off feeding her for a bit seeing that she did this little gag thingy when I first picked her up.Eventually I fed her slowly,it stayed down and the rest of the days feeds went much the same.I bolus feed her and I feed her rather fast.2 ounces in about 2 seconds.Seriously,almost that fast.Followed by 2 more a half hour later,as well as an ounce of water with it.That is our routine every two hours till bed time.Today I think we probably missed a feed or maybe even 2 but it shouldn't matter all that much.I didn't want to over load her if she was fighting off a stomach bug.And really,I am not certain what she is fighting off.She laid in my arms almost of the day.Slept about 2 hours and was more than ready to go to bed by 7.So that is where my little love is.Sound asleep basically before I set her down.Hopefully she will be her perky self in the morning.Another bummer of the day was that Zoey and I had had a date with Miss Gwendolyn.We took a rain check and rescheduled for the first week in January.Made me sad but in the end it turned out to be the best thing for Zoey and I am certain the Strong's appreciated us keeping our germs to ourselves.

I have felt off today as well but I did receive the H1N1 yesterday and I am certain I fall in the 10% of the population that have some side effects.Zoey's not the only one who finds herself in the smallest percentage grouping.Zoey did get hers second shot last Friday but I highly I doubt that was her deal but as for me I'm fairly certain it was.Much better tonight though.

I decided to re-post these pictures from this day last year.My sweet warrior girl.Amazing how much she has changed since then and feeling beyond blessed, that today, we are fighting some virus and not the beast of Leukemia.


Stephanie said...

amen... feel better soon sweetpea.

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Ahh Zoey, you and Miss Sarah are both not feeling so well. I hope you feel better soon.

Cheri said...

Ohhhh it is so nerve wracking when our little ones are not feeling great. Snuggling in your arms most of the day sounds fabulous though! I hope she can sleep some of this off and feel better in the morning! Big snuggly hugs to you Zoey from your pal Reid and his mom!

The VW's said...

Poor sweet girl! Hope she feels better real soon! It's so sad when our special little ones are under the weather! It breaks my heart! Gavin is sick now too and I'm feeling so sad for him! :( Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!

Junior said...

Feel better sweet Zoey

Cammie Heflin said...

aw Zoey, I hope you feel better precious!

Kaden Epstein said...

Feel better Zoey! Cassidy just walked by as I was reading...and she said, "Mommy...mommy...that's ZOEY!". She then started dancing to "My Wish".

Unknown said...

Oh I Zoey woke up today feeling better...poor thing!
I always feel a little sick after the flu shots...stinks but I know it's for the best!

Hang in there

Lacey said...

I love those pink lights, I've never seen those. I hope she feels better soon. give her a big kiss from us.

Anonymous said...

Zoey, Zoey - hope you are feeling better soon. When I first saw photos I thought oh no! what is going on, but reading on found out they are from last year phew!


Great Aunt Bluebelle

monica111466 said...

Darn bugs! I went to bet early feeling a bit under the weather. Tis the season! The pink lights on her crib are so cute! my daughter wants some on her bed now. her room already looks like a Pepto explosion. lol
I hope precious Zoey is feeling much better today. I will say some extra prayers for Zoey and her mommy today!

Googsmom said...

Get better really soon beautiful Zoey!!

Kristen's mom said...

We got another package from you! Kristen always loves to put cozy socks on so of course she loved them. She needed a little help with the chocolate which I was glad to help with. The card with the saying is safely tucked away in my hospital bag ready for the next trip, which will be a daily reminder that this seemingly impossible task in front of us really is possible. Thank You!

Scrappy quilter said...

Sweet little doll, praying you'll feel better soon along with your mommy too. Hugs

Tina said...

Oh gosh poor little baby, sorry to hear she isn't feeling herself, I hope its nothing big, and she's back to her usual self soon, same goes for you hope your not coming down with something right before Christmas. Thinking of you guys and keeping you in my prayers