Thursday, February 17, 2011

My littlest loves ....

Are they not just so precious?


Two little friends.Growing up side by side.


That extra chromosome already working it's magic in the life of another,not yet quite 2.I can almost hear Charlotte,years from now, proclaiming with love overflowing,with a slight hint of protection in her voice,"I have an aunt named Zoey,who has Down syndrome ...."


Charlotte's daddy has been accepted into the graduate program at USC.We are so very proud and excited for Danny and in a few short months,with distance no longer an obstacle,the love fest will continue.How blessed am I?



Rochelle said...

SOOOOOO excited they will be so close to you guys! That is such a blessing WOO HOO!!!

Becca said...

Ohhh, how beautiful the two of them are together!! Charlotte and Zoey are both so fortunate to have each other - they'll make lots of beautiful childhood memories, I'm sure.

Cheri said...

I love these pictures!! I can totally picture Charlie saying exactly what you wrote...with that hint of protection of gobs of love filled in between the lines!

and WOW.....very fun news for Danny and Caitlin.... Danny build us something fabulous!!! :) ...very exciting career ahead of him!...and how fun to have them so close to you! xoxo

Unknown said...

I love that last picture. I love to watch as my two little girls have grown to become best buddies. It means a lot to us parents that our children connect with others and form important relatonships. Love It!!

Elizabeth said...

That's fantastic! You ARE blessed, and that last picture gives me chills. Those girls are like peaches!

Anna said...

This was the greatest post EVER! What great news, daughter SIL and grandbaby close by...... YAY for you.

Kristin said...

Love it - that's the first thing my hubby said when we got word about Max - "I had an aunt with Down syndrome."

Reagan Leigh said...

OMG...that kissing pic is the cutest picture EVER!!! They are so sweet! How much will you love having them nearby!?!?!

another mother said...

Cute, cute, cute - especially the one where they're kissing.

My name is Sarah said...

This is Joyce. Tears overflowing here for so many reasons. Remembering posts a while back on several different topics and then seeing these photos. Wow!!! Talk about a grand master plan!!! Beautiful beyond measure:)

Emma said...

They are just overly cute - best mates I'm sure! oh and I love Zoey's "keep calm and carry on" top! I have one like that now, since I saw the quote on your blog :)

E x

Anonymous said...

These photos are so very special each and every one! And congrats to Charlotte's daddy - Danny - way to go!

How nice for everyone that you all will be living so much closer to each other! Oh the times Charlotte will have with Aunt Zoey - and Uncle Joe & Uncle Jake too.

Aunt Bluebelle

The VW's said...

Those pictures make my heart smile! So excited for you that you will have your family closer! Yay!! Hugs!!!

Lori said...

You must be overjoyed to have them so close! What beautiful little girls! =)

Cammie Heflin said...

So awesome!!! One month and we're there! Can't wait!

Devon said...

Adorable. Simply too adorable.

Tina Michelle said...

Those pictures are super adorable!

Tina said...

These are such amazing pictures, ones to keep in your treasured collection with all the others. The last one has to be enlarged and framed for sure!

It's so wonderful that you are all going to be close by again, wonderful for you and so so great for Zoey to have her little niece close to her to grow up together with.

So HAPPY for you!

Anonymous said...

Those pictures are just so darn cute. Can just feel the love from those 2 little cuties - hope all is well on the west coast.

Robyn from Otisco Lake

Stephanie said...

Sweet!!! You kids are going to be closer!!! You must be overjoyed!

That last pic is amazing!
How did things turn out with her hands? everything was OK?

Sophia said...

So glad you'll all be close. Zoey and Charlotte look so cute together!!

Scrappy quilter said...

Oh my word, those two are just so sweet. And to be so close to you, that is awesome. Hugs

Oh btw - another little one has found a forever home. He is on my blog!!

Sewconsult said...

How precious! I know you are excited to have your daughter's family staying close by.
Beckie in Brentwood, TN

Mama Mason-Mann said...

OMG - those pictures are absolutely priceless. how wonderful! And what great news that they'll be close. You must be thrilled. So happy for you all!!!

Googsmom said...

{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} I love love love the pics!!!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

LOVE them!!! I can't believe how much Charlotte has grown!! She will always love her Aunt Zoey, I am sure of it!

Lacey said...

Man have I been slow checking blogs lately!
Look how cute they are together! Its so funny how fast Charlotte is catching up to Zoey in size! Perfect little playmates. And I'm so excited for them to be moving up from San Diego!

Kiley said...

The last pic I like te best!! What a beautiful family you have. It is so cool they will have each other to grow up with!


Ah, how sweet!

Shelly Turpin said...

just beautiful! COngrats on grad school!

Melissa said...

They are so adorable together! I love the kissing picture! And I'm thrilled that they will now be closer to you. :)