Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Pixie's Party ...


Our guests received tutu's and wreaths and wings and wands for their party favors and the boys got Peter Pan hats,compliments of my seamstress Caitlin!

A magical day.Filled with laughter and love.Celebrating not only Miss Zoey but Caitlin's birthday as well.


Pausing to soak in the beauty of family and friends and the blessings of the moment.

The beautiful Ella

Ever mindful of the courage,perseverance and determination of one so very small.4 years packed full of obstacles and roadblocks but none would or could deter this child and her will to survive.

A little long but worth it ...catch Zoey's new word out ..."hi"!

Tonight,on the heels of such a joyous day,we were once again reminded of the fragility of life.Tonight,we pray for wisdom in circumstances for which there really and truly are no answers.Strength for a family facing,quite possibly, the unimaginable.Peace to anxious,worried and helpless hearts.But mostly we pray for our beloved Klein.An amazing boy of 12 who came into our lives 2 years ago and has led us ever since, with his unwavering faith and undeniable forgiveness.We love this boy.More than you could ever know.And find this journey to be so absolutely unfair sometimes.So absolutely unfair.


This picture was taken during Zoey's treatment.Sweet Klein is on the right.


Stephanie said...

This whole post made me cry!
Happy and sad..

Tell Zoey Emmie says "hi"
That was awesome!

Becca said...

Omg, I could just Eat. Her. Up!!!!!! The Pixie is a beautiful little hostess, and if she said "hi" to me like that, I'd never leave. :-) Love the tutus, wings and wands! Looks like it was a truly fun party.

And on the flip side of things, my heart goes out to Klein and his family.

Anonymous said...

Have been waiting for the pixie party birthday photos. Love the tutus and what a great word "hi". Good for you Miss Zoey Grace.

And a Happy Birthday to big sister Caitlin too!

Aunt Bluebelle

Tina Michelle said...

Happy Birthday to sweet Zoey!

Klein and his family are in my thoughts.

Lacey said...

Oh my beautiful Zoey with her new word!! I'm so bummed I missed my princess's party, but soon we won't miss anymore!
Oh and tell your "seamstress" that I need one of those tutu's. I'll buy one from her!

Denise said...

We love you Zoey!! You have the best "hi" ever!!! The video was magical and my oh my what a beautifully captured photo of my sweet Ella. And handsome Klein...how we ache for you and your family!!

The VW's said...

Zoey, you continue to amaze us all! You are absolutely adorable! Love and Big Hugs!!!

Rochelle said...

OH Zoey 4? I can't believe it. You are the most adorable Pixie ever! Glad you had such a wonderful day to celebrate the wonder of beautiful you!

Kristin said...

Too precious. Hi back at ya Zoey!

Shelly Turpin said...

What an amazing party for an amazing girl! And my tears are for Klein's family.

Sweet Pea's Mommy said...

Tears of joy filled my eyes watching that video! She is such a joy! I am so glad that she enjoyed her birthday and I am sure that everyone else enjoyed it just as much!

Bethany said...

Aww, I love the video! She is so happy! (How cliche, right? LOL) Hope you guys had a great day, love the party favors!

Elizabeth said...

That video was wonderful -- she is just so stinking cute! Those pigtails, in particular, does killed me!

As for the rest of your post -- I just don't know what to say. I remember a time when Sophie was much younger, when I went to so many funerals of young children. Unbearable, really -- and I've never forgotten them or those beautiful souls. I will say a prayer for your friend, for his family, for you and all that you witness and bear.

Claudia said...

oh, and I forgot: My best belated birthday wishes to Caitlin as well!!


just jean said...

What a wonderful celebration...of all that is sweet, courageous, and delightful! So much personality in one small body! And... loved the picture of Ella, too.

Melissa said...

Happy Birthday to Zoey and Caitlin!! I love the tutus and wings. So precious!

I will be praying for Klein and his family.

Jenna said...

Hi Zoey
My name is Jenna and I came across you site. U are a very adoreable little girl. You are full of life, spunk, happiness, smiles, laughs, joy love, courage, determination, and fight. You are a hero.
I was born with a rare life threatening disease. http://www.miraclechamp.webs.com I love it when others sign my guestbook or email me.

Lori said...

Oh dear, Miss Zoey - you are too cute! I love your new word! Happy Belated Birthday, Beautiful!
It certainly looks like it was a fun party. I love all the fairy wings and tutus. =)

And, We too will say a prayer for Klein and his family.


What a fab party!

Cheri said...

Just precious!!!! Wish we could have been there!...Looking forward to seeing you soon!

Tina said...

Tears of joy watching that video,I really have very few words right now except that as I watched Zoey I realised what true joy and happiness is and how far removed I am from my life of 2 1/2 years ago and how very thankful I am for that. I love that little princess of yours, she continues to teach me many invaluable lessons.

Also want to say how very very beautiful she looks in her fairy dress, her face all lit up with happiness.

Mama Mason-Mann said...

The pictures are awesome. The princess is beautiful. Again, a very Happy Birthday to Ms. Zoey and a "hi" from Chloe!

Shelly Turpin said...

hi! Zoey my girls loved this video :)