Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I get by with a little help from my friends ...

Would some of you still love me if I told you .... I am not a Beatles fan? At all. Never have been. However, that little line, from one of their many famous songs, just came to mind, after I sat reflecting on my day. And what a day it was. A day that felt like the morning belonged to a entirely different day because it was just that long. You know those kind of days?


I woke before sunrise this morning and headed out for my run. The first thing I noticed, was that at 6 am, the moon was shining brighter and fuller than you could ever imagine. It was just beautiful. And as I headed down a hill, I looked to the moon and saw the sunrise coming up over the horizon and I said a litany of prayers, asking for strength for the day ahead.


A day that I am able to push aside and not think about, for 4 months at a time. And I really do a good job of living life and forgetting about the necessary evils, of living life with a complicated child. Most of the time. Or at least I think I do. I try and soak up the here and now and seldom get caught up in the what if's of our tomorrows. But as we inch closer to  Zoey's oncology check ups, each and every time, I get well, I get a little wiggie. Short. Snappy. Edgy. Sighing deeply. Repeatedly. So much so that Zoey will mimic me by touching her chest and breathing deeply herself.

So that is how it goes and it remains as such, until I have her lab report in my sweaty little hands. And, if we are so blessed and lucky, or rather, if she is so blessed and lucky, if those numbers are normal, I can breath. At a normal rate.  And today, my wonder girl is blessed and lucky and I am breathing at a normal rate. Zoey remains in remission. As we circled those oncology clinic halls, for hours, waiting for our doctor who was running way way behind, I looked around at all the precious warrior, cancer fighting faces, and I knew, after reading those results, that Zoey is, without a shadow of a doubt, blessed and lucky.

Except briefly, during her blood draw, Zoey was joyful and happy and literally waved to every, single person she passed. Darling girl of mine with a few of her friends. Bestie to her left of course.

As for my friends. Oh. My. Gosh. Facebook messages in insane numbers. Phones calls and emails and texts. Most of which, I have yet to acknowledge and thank everyone properly. But please know, if you were one of those people, and you are reading this, I felt the love and the strength and the prayers. They enveloped me and carried me through the day. And as I head to bed shortly, I will know, that at yet another moment in my life, I got by with a little help from my friends.


Stephanie said...

I always say, Friends are the best family God could give us!

Emily said...

Oh, this is wonderful! Thank goodness for good news!

Becca said...

Blessed and lucky indeed. We all are - Zoey's got such a lively and strong spirit that touches each and every one of us!! SO glad her tests were great!!!!

blogzilly said...

Facebook is weird. I can't figure out why some people show up on my Feed and some do not. Or some show up sometimes and not others. This happened after they changed some stuff a while back. Yet other people I hardly know show up all the time.

I'm not Facebook savvy enough to figure out how to fix it.

Not a Beatles fan huh? That surprises me.

Tests suck, BTW.

Rochelle said...

Friends do lift your spirits don't they. YAY for good news!

Runningmama said...

Your beautiful little girl's smile shines as brightly as ever and I am so glad for good test results!

Anonymous said...

Yipee Zoey Grace! Beautiful photo

Aunt Bluebelle

Loving my Xmas gifts..

Aunt Bluebelle

Jeana said...

So thankful for the good news! Zoey must have know all along the news was going to be good!

Reagan Leigh said...

I feel terrible! I didn't even know Zoey's check up was this week! I guess that's what I get for checking Facebook once every two weeks! I'm so glad to hear that everything went well! I know you're relieved!

The VW's said...

Yay for great results...and for great friends! Hugs!!!

Elizabeth said...

That picture of the three little ones is so dang cute, I can't stand it.

And I am so grateful that Zoey is all right, so grateful that you're in my life.

colleen said...

I also missed you initial facebook post, but caught the results and was thrilled to hear the news, as I have so many times before
I think you cope beautifully despite the real discomfort of the whole post cancer treatment process that has a proven emotional life of its own.
As usual, a great job by a great mom dealing w/ a lot on her plate.. and Zoey, well her resilience is obvious! If you don't mind, I'll let you keep on inspiring me....

Shelly Turpin said...

I am so glad that she remains in remission. So very very glad. Hugs to you both

Anonymous said...

I have Little Wonders on my Bookmarks Bar and I signed up to follow by Email notice too. :-)
Seeing your photos and reading your posts brings joy to my heart. :-)
You have a wonderful story to tell. :-)
Keep up the great work!
Love & Hugs!