Can I tell you how absolutely sick I am of sickness around here?It began with strep last month and the crap hasn't stopped since.And now,rounding out the constant barrage of viruses and infections,Zoey has pneumonia.Poor girl.Not at all herself.Nasty cough.Tries to manage a smile or 2 and as Caitlin remarked a bit ago,I don't think she scooted around one little bit today.She also took a 3 hour nap today and seeing she gave up naps a few months ago,that tells you just how crummy she is feeling.And,after only being up a few hours from her nap,her little tongue was going a mile a minute,sure sign of exhaustion and she was ready to go back down for the night.Passed out.Can only hope for a restful sleep and a change for the better come morning or else we will be heading back to the pediatrician first thing in the morning.
Last night when she woke up at 3am,2 things were going through my mind.One, was that I am so thankful that Zoey is and has always been a good sleeper.Like good as in, she never wakes up till morning.Ever.I look at that as a gift.Not only because of course, who doesn't want a night of uninterrupted sleep but most importantly I know,that when she wakes up,something is brewing.No second guessing that and those of us who have non-verbal children,know that one of of the biggest worries we have is that our children will be hurting or sick and how would they ever be able to tell us.Don't get me wrong,I really would love for her to call my name and tell me with words,what is up but at this point, some uncharacteristic whimpering in the wee hours of the night,I'll take.
The second thing that I thought about,was cancer.Specifically leukemia.Weird right?Not so much really because let me tell you,when you have had a child who has had cancer and they are sick,cancer is usually the first thing you think of.Especially when fever is involved.Now, I didn't think about cancer for long.Thankfully logic took over my irrational thoughts fairly quickly.For one,her fever was 103 and when she was diagnosed with leukemia,she had low grade fevers on and off for a few weeks.Second,she has had a cold for a week or so and back when cancer came knocking, there was nothing in your face,glaringly wrong telling you that something was up.With that said,I still will never say never.I will pray for never of course but I will never become too comfortable and confident and sometimes I hate that I can't be both confident and comfortable that our tete-a tete with cancer is over and done with.And I hated that today, as I was sitting in the pediatricians office and her doctor has listened to her crackling,junky lungs,over and over again,that I still had this little voice whispering,"But are you sure?"I don't think that will ever go away.Ever.
That's all for tonight.I have a room full of crazy LA Kings hockey fans losing their minds during overtime.Two of which are way,way past their bedtimes... but there is just something about two jammied little guys wearing their favorite players jersey's over said jammies,that melts your heart and tells you,what the heck,this is priceless stuff.Bed can wait.
Oh, no. I'm so sorry to hear this. What's up with viruses and 2011? It's really enough to drive one mad. When this season is all done and over with, please, let's go out and have dinner and a drink.
Be well, soon, Zoey!
Feel better little Zoey Grace....hope everyone gets some sleep..
Aunt Bluebelle
Poop! sending speedy recovery prayers!
I'm with you! Sick and tired of being sick and tired! Hope everyone is on the mend soon! And hope everyone got enough sleep to not add "crabbyness" into the mix this morning!
Brooke Annessa
Feel better soon sweet Zoey! Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
So sorry she is sick - Have they told you about Chest physical therapy? Lots of videos on youtube, and kids usually like it -Important thing is it really works at clearing junky lungs esp if done 3 or so times a day. Thinking of you and Zoey and hoping for a healthier tomorrow...
Bed can definitely wait when hockey's involved ;) Sorry to hear Zoey is sick!!! Thinking of you both and hoping she's back to her old self soon!!!!!
Ugh, So sorry about the sickies. (Piper had the worst pinkeye I have ever seen earlier this week. Somehow Max didn't get it. Did I just jinx myself?)
And sorry about the Kings :( Love NHL playoffs!!!!
so sorry to hear that you guys have had sickness going on and now that little miss zoey has pneumonia. that little voice of wondering about cancer is just awful, i can imagine. my brother had hodgkin's lymphoma when he was 14 and those kind of thoughts creep into my brain at times too - hate it for you that you are having those thoughts! get well soon zoey!!!
I will be praying that Zoey is feeling better soon! I'm ready for the sickness to be gone from our house too...
Hope she feels better soon. When Scott took Addy in today the doc said she could have pneumonia but didn't do an x-ray because the course of treatment would be the same. I can tell she feels horrible :( Hope Zoey improves soon.
praying for your sweet little girl. Hopefully she will be on the mend quickly. Hugs
Aww little Zoey! Emily and I sure hope you feel better soon.
many prayers for you and yours.
These viruses are awful this year! get well soon sweet Zoey!
I really hope she is feeling better today.. I pray that her cancer NEVER comes back again..
<3 & Huggs <3 ~M~
poor Zoey. I hope she turns the corner quickly and stays healthy!
I always did the same thing with Carly. Any sign of sickness and leukemia popped into my brain. I would even check her little body out, looking for petechia. What is really sad, is that I had just begun to get comfortable and not freak or worry so darn much about cancer coming back. But, I guess that once you've had a child undergo chemotherapy, something happens within our, mama brains, that instantly or should I say, instinctively, triggers worry and fear over any little sickness with our little ones.
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